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Адрес блога: http://nazaraliev.info
Добавлен: 2009-05-06 11:07:54

Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging

2015-10-13 15:17:45 (читать в оригинале)

Researchers from the University of Iowa report on a way to measure substance use by looking at a person’s DNA. After analyzing data from Gene Expression Omnibus, the researchers found that methylation patterns, a molecular modification that affect gene expression, were affected by alcohol and cigarettes use. Methylation patterns progress in a normal while as

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The post Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging appeared first on Seabrook House.

Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging

2015-10-13 15:17:45 (читать в оригинале)

Researchers from the University of Iowa report on a way to measure substance use by looking at a person’s DNA. After analyzing data from Gene Expression Omnibus, the researchers found that methylation patterns, a molecular modification that affect gene expression, were affected by alcohol and cigarettes use. Methylation patterns progress in a normal while as

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The post Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging appeared first on Seabrook House.

Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging

2015-10-13 15:17:45 (читать в оригинале)

Researchers from the University of Iowa report on a way to measure substance use by looking at a person’s DNA. After analyzing data from Gene Expression Omnibus, the researchers found that methylation patterns, a molecular modification that affect gene expression, were affected by alcohol and cigarettes use. Methylation patterns progress in a normal while as

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The post Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging appeared first on Seabrook House.

Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging

2015-10-13 15:17:45 (читать в оригинале)

Researchers from the University of Iowa report on a way to measure substance use by looking at a person’s DNA. After analyzing data from Gene Expression Omnibus, the researchers found that methylation patterns, a molecular modification that affect gene expression, were affected by alcohol and cigarettes use. Methylation patterns progress in a normal while as

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The post Substance Use Can Lead to Premature Aging appeared first on Seabrook House.

Joyful Moments are Priceless

2015-10-12 15:40:32 (читать в оригинале)

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist “It’s the little things that make life BIG.”  – Unknown Sometimes we think that if we hit the lottery and get rich, we could buy whatever we want and it would make us happy. If we have the nicest car, house, clothes and accessories, we will be loved and

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The post Joyful Moments are Priceless appeared first on Seabrook House.

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