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Адрес блога: http://torimaynard.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2009-05-13 05:17:57

New Theme: Ideation & Intent

2012-05-31 21:35:51 (читать в оригинале)

It’s almost June and warm weather is spreading across many parts of the world like wildfire! What better time to get out of the house and explore new places? Before you leave, though, it would be a great idea to take your camera along to document the experience. When you return and get the urge [...]

A Little Boost to Your Photos and Galleries

2012-05-31 00:12:55 (читать в оригинале)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a digital photo is worth even more. All digital cameras embed extra information in each photo — things like camera make and model, date and time the photo was taken, focal length of the lens, shutter speed, etc. We’re happy to announce two new features on [...]

Find Friends Who Use WordPress

2012-05-01 23:32:50 (читать в оригинале)

Are you curious to see how your friends are using WordPress? Give the new and improved Friend Finder a try to connect with your Twitter, Facebook, and Google contacts who have WordPress sites! After authorizing WordPress.com to use your Twitter, Facebook, or Google account to find your friends (don’t worry — none of this account [...]

How to get more page views for your blog

2012-04-17 20:16:35 (читать в оригинале)

This is a guest post by Kristina Chang, Evan Moore, Tony Xu, and Omer Rabin; students at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. “What makes a blog popular? What drives page views?” These are the questions that we’ve been trying to answer over the last few weeks. We were on a mission to dig into the [...]

How to get more comments

2012-04-12 18:24:26 (читать в оригинале)

People blog for different reasons, but many post with hopes of seeing feedback from readers. Here at WordPress.com we’ve studied why some posts and blogs get more comments than others, and want to share our advice with you. You need visitors before you’ll get comments. You won’t get comments until people visit your blog. Start [...]

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