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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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"Свет Христа"
Голосов: 2
Адрес блога: http://svethrista.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2009-05-19 16:47:34

Coming Soon: New .Blog Domains for Websites

2016-05-12 19:13:16 (читать в оригинале)

.Blog domain extensions will be available to all websites starting this year.

New on WordPress.com: Sharing Buttons for WhatsApp, Telegram, and Skype

2016-04-13 18:01:33 (читать в оригинале)

New sharing options from the world's most popular messaging apps.

The WWWP5K: Your Photos and Stories

2015-11-04 19:00:19 (читать в оригинале)

Fun, fitness, and community: some stories from the annual WWWP5K.

New Themes: Nucleare and Afterlight

2015-04-30 21:00:57 (читать в оригинале)

Meet Nucleare and Afterlight, two unique free themes to make your blog stand out.

WordPress for iOS: New Visual Editor and More!

2015-02-26 04:03:56 (читать в оригинале)

WordPress for iOS version 4.8 comes with exciting editor and navigation enhancements. Visual Editor We’re thrilled to announce that the 4.8 release includes a beautiful new visual editor. With the new editor, you can add rich text like bold, italics, links, and lists naturally as you type. You can also …

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