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"Свет Христа"
Голосов: 2
Адрес блога: http://svethrista.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2009-05-19 16:47:34

Create Presentations Easily on WordPress.com with Shortcodes

2013-08-14 20:00:37 (читать в оригинале)

On WordPress.com, you can use a number of shortcodes to embed features and create objects with little effort, and make your site look just the way you want. We’re excited to announce new shortcodes you can use to whip up a slideshow presentation — and display it on your WordPress.com …

Digging In the Dashboard: Three Features to Discover

2013-08-05 20:00:16 (читать в оригинале)

Features abound in the WordPress.com dashboard. When you first got started at WordPress.com, you likely identified a handful of tools that you used every time you posted and then ignored the rest. But after you’ve been blogging for awhile, you might discover some parts of the dashboard you’ve ignored have …

DaddyBloggers in the Spotlight: A Father’s Day Roundup

2013-06-16 20:00:41 (читать в оригинале)

Writing about family life and parenthood is not simply the province of mothers: dads are carving out their own blogular niche. Single dads, stay-at-home dads, working dads, two-dad families — you can find every perspective on WordPress.com. As the US celebrates Father’s Day, here are some dad blogs we love: DorkDaddy.com What’s the point of […]

New on WordPress for Android: Notifications

2013-06-13 01:52:07 (читать в оригинале)

Need to get your WordPress.com Notifications on the go? With version 2.4 of WordPress for Android you’ll see all your Notifications right on your Android device. Step away yet stay connected With the new streamlined Notifications view, you can step away from your computer but still stay connected to your readers. With just a few […]

New Theme: Responsive

2013-02-28 21:54:01 (читать в оригинале)

Today, we’re bringing one of WordPress.org’s most popular themes to WordPress.com – Responsive! Designed by Emil Uzelac, Responsive is clean, feature-rich, and you guessed it… completely responsive! With a Home page template that allows you to concentrate on specific content in a more traditional website layout, all while looking great across any device, this theme [...]

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