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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://mydorian.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2009-06-21 14:27:23 блограйдером Dorian

Starting 2014 Off Right: Blogs on Fitness and Healthy Eating

2014-01-24 20:15:21 (читать в оригинале)

One of the strengths of WordPress.com is the community — a global network of users, learning from one another and supporting each other. Earlier this month, Michelle shared blogs within the mental health community, and we’ll continue to highlight blogs that promote health and wellness. Today, let’s take a look …

Blogger Profile: Gendermom

2013-11-22 20:02:02 (читать в оригинале)

Parenting blogs flourish on WordPress.com, and today, we’re pleased to introduce you to Gendermom, whose site tagline, A chronicle of fun and fear, or, daily life with my young trans daughter, says it all. Gendermom’s daughter M. was born a boy. He knew early on that he should have been …

Freshly Pressed: Friday Faves

2013-06-14 20:00:13 (читать в оригинале)

Every post that glides into our Reader offers us a fresh perspective and an opportunity to peer into another blogger’s mind. We’re invited to enter new worlds, and examine the shapes, angles, and textures of the blogging craft itself. This week, once again, the diversity of the WorldPress.com community thrilled us. The three posts we […]

New Theme: Forefront

2013-06-11 20:07:11 (читать в оригинале)

Today, I’m excited to announce our newest theme. Don’t worry, your calendar is not broken. It’s not Theme Thursday but we just couldn’t hold this theme back any longer! Forefront is a business and corporate theme designed by one of our own, Takashi Irie. The theme is packed with nifty features such as custom page […]

New Theme: Hero

2012-12-06 21:14:21 (читать в оригинале)

Have some featured content that desperately needs saving? Have no fear, our new theme Hero is here! Designed by antthemes, Hero is a dark and minimal theme that features the content you care about most with a Front Page template that’s packed with the promotional power of our Featured Post Slider, a custom tagline, and [...]

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