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Адрес блога: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1242743/
Добавлен: 2007-12-11 15:13:52 блограйдером Futurolog


2011-04-30 02:02:54 (читать в оригинале)

Моё мнение о прошедших в Москве 2 неделях мод- http://www.russianfashionblog.com/i...-fashion-weeks/, опубликованное в американском блоге. 4 российских fashion-блоггера говорят каждый о своём- обратите внимание:) Кто-то пищит от восторга, попав в первый раз в вожделенный мир, кто-то жалуется на стоптанные туфли, а кто-то- пытается анализировать существующее положение вещей. Для тех, кому английский- как китайский, скоро будет предложена русская версия статьи, полная, в отличие от опубликованной в блоге. 


Recent fashion weeks in Moscow were ravishing. It seemed that the public’s interest in fashion, which declined during the recession of 2009-10, is now in full swing.

There are well-defined designer “leagues” in Russian fashion. Alena Akhmadullina, Alexander Terekhov, Vardoui Nazarian are ahead of the competition in the hi-end sector, but there is also ‘crowd’s choice’. Brands like Pavloff, Shiyan&Rudkovskaya and Lenskaya design bureau make clothes that, honestly, fit better for the street than for the catwalk.

It was really great that Volvo Fashion Week took bloggers seriously and treated them as professionals, which allowed them to write timely and objective reviews.

Womenswear still prevails on the catwalk. Menswear industry in Russia is in its diapers so anybody who will make a good move into this field will become Russian Ralph Lauren. With that in mind, I need to say that many critics were pleasantly surprised with the menswear collection by TARAKANOVA brand from Belarus. It was fresh, full of new ideas and showed us all we needed to know about the way the modern man should dress.

Arsenicum and Bessarion shows were probably the strongest in terms of creating the mood. The inspiration behind Bessarion collection was Jewish culture, so there were “female rabbis” strolling in the dark, a single ray of light accentuating somber silhouettes.

russian-fashion-bloggers (610x210, 111Kb)

Тэги: benz, fashion, mercedes, oleg, russia, sharan, tarakanova, volvo, week


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