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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://zis.name
Добавлен: 2009-11-19 20:33:53 блограйдером zis

"Body-oriented esoteric"

2010-04-21 23:44:05 (читать в оригинале)

In this area I am not an expert. I have never purposefully did not learn this, but I could not avoid this theme. Therefore, in the field of bodywork I - normal esoteric, without a bag of tricks or secret knowledge.

But work with his own body - is important. No less important than working with other facets of man.

So, I hope this series of articles will be useful to people who start out esoteric, and yet just does not get the barriers to self, facing me. Or may be reached, but still not understood.

I'm writing it for one purpose: to share their own experiences.
Well, quite small theoretical justifications for the course of the exposition.

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«Nikakashechkas[1] », or the tale that not all yogas are equally useful.

2010-03-14 15:14:47 (читать в оригинале)

 [1] Nikakashechka - something that is pointless and gives no results. «Not all that glitters is gold» - I think everyone knows this expression.Good saying. It can be applied in any sphere of life, including the field of self-development. In my previous article I told that I would prove the inefficiency of Integral yoga as a mean of self-development (well, or so-called “spiritual development”). Thus, I’ll start with it. I happened to associate with an integral yogi for a long time. Yet I couldn’t seem to understand: if the man has been practicing yoga for more than 5 years there should be some practical results after all. So I set to searching for these results. I kept searching and searching... by the way, that man was also practicing Hatha yoga and the benefit from it was evident and sufficient. (I also knew some other Hatha yogis so I had a basis to rely on).And what concerns Integral yoga... Ok, there’s something I can’t see and something I can’t understand, it’s a good reason to look closely and try to make it out. So what is Integral yoga in fact? 

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2010-03-14 14:58:59 (читать в оригинале)

How many times I had heard this phrase…

And also “the categoricalness is the attribute of the narrow-mindedness”…or something like that.  And it has always made me protest (even if this phrase wasn’t appealing to me)

And after I became the mathematician…I got acquainted with the theory of the fuzzy numbers and the fuzzy set. With the optimization methods…and there can be really the correct (probable) answers like “the task solution is between the 3, 348 and 3, 349” or “the variable within the range from 2 to 3 meets the conditions of the task”.


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2010-03-14 14:53:47 (читать в оригинале)

There is no consolidated
opinion of this matter among novice esotericians, novice psychologists as well
as teenagers: some of them consider that a person
has personal freedom, some of them believe that he does not possess and cannot
possess it at all... As for those who are older  or more experience do not chatter about it.

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2009-12-10 17:11:25 (читать в оригинале)


I’d like to introduce myself – my name is Oleg and I’ve been studying Esoteric and Psychology since 1998.

You can be sure It haven't been the waste of time. 


So I decided to share my experience, practice output and information I owed 

I do hope my website will bring you some useful, interesting or new facts.

And I appreciate your comments here or asking me any questions you are concerned with.

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