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Olympic Tour Service News
Olympic Tour Service News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://ots.uz/
Добавлен: 2009-12-17 22:22:49

A Souvenir to Remember an Enthralling Tour

2010-10-15 10:06:04 (читать в оригинале)

Ziyoda Khamidova, UT

Any traveler who returns from wanderings in far-away lands, wishes to keep something to remember the acquaintance with a new country and its people. A souvenir made by hands of a master will always revive the memoirs from travel across Uzbekistan, the “golden part” of the ancient Great Silk Road. Having visited a handicraftsman’s workshop or art salon in every cities of the country it is possible to choose a national toy, ware, small boxes painted with varnish miniature, clothes and more many other things to liking.

Uzbekistan is a true finding for fans and collectors of the artistic ceramics. Here, the ceramic art is considered the most ancient national craft, and each region has its school and special features. For instance, in Khorazm the descendants and apprentices of the well-known Khiva master R. Matchanov create pitchers – clay vessels with wide neck covered with turquoise glaze, deep bowls – tubs, traditional lamps – chiroqs decorated with subtle blue and ultramarine ornament. People pf crafts of Samarqand leave nobody indifferent with their amusing small figures depicting the national favorite Ho’ja Nasriddin riding his donkey. They also can make the whole caravans of tiny camels or candlesticks in the shape of fantastic dragons reminding terracotta sculptures, discovered by archeologists in ruins of the ancient Marokand, and thin ceramic drinking bowls for tea at easy contact blows a crystal ringing.



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