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Olympic Tour Service News
Olympic Tour Service News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://ots.uz/
Добавлен: 2009-12-17 22:22:49

Origins of Uzbek Fine Arts

2010-10-12 08:37:26 (читать в оригинале)

At house museum of O’rol Tansiqboyev

Alfira Tajitdinova

The house museum of the renowned People’s Artist O’rol Tansiqboyev is surrounded by noisy multistory buildings in Tashkent. The memorial house museum, opened in 1981, has a studio, reception room, bedroom, a study, balcony and a terrace demonstrating a greenhouse with a diversity of plants and flowers.

Gulfia Fametdinova, senior scientist of the house museum of O’rol Tansiqboyev, tells: “It took a while for the aptitude for drawing revealed in the painter. Working in vine plantations, the young amateur artist eagerly absorbed his impressions from the environment, made some notes and sketches in the notebook. A versatile process of the human activity and cognition of nature unfolds in him to become a favorite subject afterwards. It is crucial for a painter to discover his own subject area, and O’rol Tansiqboyev did not have to search for it as his native land suggested him the topic. The profound notion of life helped the painter to see enchanting Uzbek landscapes.



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