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Масонское общество "Череп и кости"2011-07-15 21:57:00 (читать в оригинале)Герб Йельского университета (Свет и Истина). Мало-помалу, селективным размножением, врождённые различия между правящим классом и простыми людьми будут расти, пока не достигнут кардинальных различий между родами. Восстание плебеев станет настолько невероятным, как организация восстания овец против производителя баранины», — Бертран Артур Ульям Рассел «Влияние науки на общество», 1953, стр. 49-50. Carte-de-visite of Gen. William H. Russell, BA 1833, основатель общества. Пять президентов США заканчивали Йельский университет: Тафт, Уильям Говард - 27-й президент США (1909-1913 гг.), 10-й председатель Верховного суда США (1921-1930 гг.), Форд, Джеральд Рудольф - 38-й президент США (1974-1977 гг.), 40-й вице-президент США (1973-1974 гг.), Буш, Джордж Герберт Уокер — 41-й президент США (1989—1993 гг.), 43-й вице-президент США (1981-1989 гг.), Клинтон, Уильям Джефферсон - 42-й президент США (1993-2001 гг.), Буш, Джордж Уокер — 43-й президент США (2001—2009 гг.). wikipedia Wednesday, 25 September, 2002 "My senior year (at Yale University) I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society," President Bush wrote in his autobiography, "so secret, I can't say anything more." Склеп общества Secret Society Buildings New Haven Хроники и загадки этой тайной секты, получившей название Skull and Bones, раскрываются на страницах книги America's Secret Establishment ("Тайные власти Америки") писателя английского происхождения Энтони Саттона, посвятившего 26 своих произведений изучению тайн американского общества. Новую книгу писателя отличает наличие документов, фотографий и рисунков, рассказывающих о ритуалах секты немецкого происхождения, основанной в 1832 году по инициативе Уильяма Хантингтона Рассела и Альфонсо Тафта, штаб-квартира которой с тех пор находится в Нью-Хейвене, Коннектикут, в здании на Хай-стрит, которое называют просто "Могила".Front cover of Skull and Bones program for Friday evening, June 11, 1954. Саттон рассказывает о способности адептов проникать в Церковь, в Федеральное казначейство, в конгресс, в СМИ, на Уолл-стрит, в Верховный суд и такие научные заведения, как "Совет по внешним отношениям" в Нью-Йорке, и о том, что ветераны каждый год "приглашают вступить" в общество лишь 15 студентов Йельского университета. Таким образом, 16 белых семей, англосаксонских и протестантских, создали сеть отношений и альянсов, которые, обновляясь из года в год, привели к созданию властной сети, которую автор назвал "не имеющей соперников" в Соединенных Штатах и в мире. В книге перечисляются 16 фамилий, и автор называет семейство Харриман извечной основой системы: они продолжают оставаться членами тайного общества, переходя из статуса "Кавалеров" (новичков) в "Патриархи" (ветераны). Принятие в члены секты происходит в процессе церемонии инициации, регламентируемой специальным меморандумом. Церемония состоит из четырех этапов и происходит в здании "Могилы" на Хай-стрит. Все начинается с того, что кандидат, заявив о согласии вступить в секту, полностью обнаженным ложится в саркофаг. Находясь в таком положении, в окружении других новичков, кандидат должен поведать о своих "сексуальных секретах", рассказывая о самых интимных деталях. И в этом момент неожиданно в зал входят "Патриархи" и, одетые в костюмы скелетов, начинают кричать, бегать и пугать новичков. Когда коллективный шок проходит, "Патриархи" образуют круг вокруг новобранцев, которые на последнем этапе церемонии посвящения должны бороться друг с другом, абсолютно обнаженные, в емкости с грязью, прежде чем получить пожизненное звание "Кавалер". Это ритуал, по словам Саттона, должен создать "камерную атмосферу между ветеранами и новичками". Автор также предполагает, что в самом начале была банда молодых преступников, в которую входили сыновья самых состоятельных англосаксонских аристократический семей Новой Англии. "У членов секты было желание защитить американское общество от проникновения чуждых идеологий, таких, как нацизм и коммунизм, оно и сплотило секту", – отмечает Саттон. Маурицио Молинари 2006 Каждую весну, организация объединяет в ряды своих студентов Йельского университета. Каждый год избирается 15 мужчин и 15 женщин. Участники: Уильям Тафт, Джордж Буш-старший, Джордж Буш, Джон Керри, Моррисон Р. Уэйт (Главный судья Верховного суда) Генри Люс (Time-Life) Гарольд Стэнли (Основатель Morgan Stanley) Джон Дэниелс (Основатель Мидленд Archer Daniels) Генри П. Дэвисон (Старший партнер Морган гаранти траст) Пьер-Джей (Первый президент Федерального резервного банка Нью-Йорк) Артемус Гейтс (Президент новой компании, целевой Йорке, Союз Тихого океана, время, компания "Боинг")Поттер Стюарт (Верховный судья)Джеймс Энглтон Иисуса (Давний глава ЦРУ) It can be documented by comparing the family charts of the early Bonesmen that there is today a core group of no more than 20 to 30 families who form the nucleus of the Order. The majority are old-line Puritan families who came to North America in the very first wave of settlers in the 17th century. Among these prominent families are: Whitney, Lord, Phelps. Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams, Stimson, Taft, Gilman and Perkins. A second group of families in the Skull & Bones core earned fabulous fortunes during the 18th and 19th centuries and thus won a rite of passage into the New England elite, even though they were not among the earliest settlers. Восковые печати общества The leading Skull & Bones families in this second category are: Harriman Rockefeller Payne Davison Pillsbury Weyerhauser A few of the Jewish banking families who made their way from Germany to the United States during the 18th and 19th centuries were eventually granted limited access to the WASP inner sanctums. Some families, like the Schiff, Warburg, Guggenheim and Meyer families, were unofficially designated as intermediaries between the New England WASPs and their cousins in London. This was especially true after the Rothschild interests supplanted the Anglican Baring group as the most powerful financial cabal in the City of London. Some of these German Jewish families became so absorbed into the WASP or Anglican society that they eventually converted from Judaism to Protestantism and were gradually ostracized from the Jewish aristocracy. The WASP families, however, never saw the prominent Jewish investment banking families of America as equals. The Jews were considered politically and culturally different by the WASPs, and have never been accepted into the latter’s inner circle. For the most part, these Jewish merchant bankers are viewed with suspicion and distrust by the members of the Order. Moreover, the Jewish fraternal societies, such as B’nai B’rith, were formed out of the British-based Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Their sponsors in America, the Rothschilds and the Cecil Rhodes Trust (also known as the British Round Table Group), are connected with the British Foreign Office and its secret intelligence apparatus. THE SPARTAN MODEL These rites of passage into the upper ranks of the WASP Establishment are capped by the experience the Bonesmen go through in their final year at Yale -- the year in which they actively participate in the Order. For the vast majority of the initiates, the process of inculcation with the ideas of WASP supremacy, an American Calvinist version of what British imperialist writer Rudyard Kipling called the "White Man’s Burden," began at prep school. According to the biographical accounts of a number of the leading Bonesmen, the prep school experience is paramount. At prep school, intellectual pursuits are encouraged, but special emphasis is also placed on athletic performance. Future Yale Bonesmen are expected to excel in some team sport, such as baseball and football, both American inventions. (Members of Skull & Bones were involved in the development of both games.) Team sports supposedly prepare the future Bonesman to accept leadership responsibility, and more importantly, teach him to "respect the rules of the game." According to one biographer, when George Bush was a Yale undergraduate he was a member of the university baseball team. Although he was apparently not a very good baseball player, he eventually became captain of the Yale team. One day during the Yale baseball season, he excitedly visited his mother to proudly proclaim that he had hit his first home run. She reportedly looked back at him with patrician coolness, and asked, "Yes, George, but did your team win the game?" The particular emphasis on team sports during the prep school and Yale years is, according to several historians, part of the Spartan training that is so essential to the Skull & Bones philosophy. In the world of Skull & Bones, one of the greatest virtues is the ability to steer the nation into war and to successfully prosecute the war. To the Bonesmen, the use of military power is a natural and essential corollary to political power. The Bonesmen are taught that, although ideas have their place, to truly transform history, military force is almost always required. Critics of the Order have pointed out that this philosophy of power and the imperial use of military force comes straight from the chronicles of the Roman Empire -- especially the Roman Empire during its phase of decline and collapse. The criticism may prove to be most prophetically true of the current generation of Bonesmen who are leading the United States under the presidency of George Bush. During the final phase of the Roman Empire, legions were deployed out around the world to conquer and subjugate vast territories, while back in Rome, there was a breakdown, a crisis in which the entire social and cultural fabric of the early Roman republic was eroding and giving way to something akin to the drug, rock-sex counterculture of today. The Roman imperial policy of attempting to gloss over the decadence at home by engaging in constant wars of expansion led ultimately to the total collapse of Rome. In this regard, the Spartan-Roman imperial outlook of the American WASP warrior caste, exemplified by Skull & Bones, cannot be precisely compared to the Japanese samurai code of Bushido. The Japanese Bushido code emphasized honor among the warriors and presumed a fundamentally moral or ethical vision of the world. No such emphasis on morality and honor exists in the code of Skull & Bones. On the contrary, the Skull & Bones philosophy, according to several of its most astute critics and historians, emphasizes the "double-cross system." The "double-cross" is symbolically represented by the crossbones on the emblem of the Order. According to this philosophy, anyone who is not an initiate is inferior, and can be lied to and manipulated to further the power of the WASP Establishment. To the extent that Japanese leaders view their American WASP counterparts as men of honor whose word is sacred and whose intentions are presumed to be virtuous, they will miss the fundamental character of the American imperium. This is of special importance today, with a leading member of the Skull & Bones system occupying the White House. Skull & Bones philosophy first manifested itself at the American national political level in the late 19th century. At that time, the men of the Order adopted all the critical features of the British imperial system, especially the belief in the Anglo Saxon God-given right to rule over all the other races. Even countries like Japan, which were never colonial possessions of the Anglo-American combination, were viewed as inferior nations to be treated no differently from the colonies in Africa, India or Latin America. In 1898, President William McKinley, one of the last of the American presidents to manifest any of the early republican (anti-British imperialism) traditions of the Founding Fathers, was under enormous pressure from the Skull & Bones-led American imperialists. Eventually, he went to war against Spain to "free" Cuba and seize the Philippines. This was the first time that the United States entered a war through devious manipulation and purely in order to expand its territories. It marked the beginning of a new epoch in American history which would forever alter the vision of the United States. It was the first evidence that the men of the Order were at the helm of the ship of state. President McKinley’s capitulation to the WASP warriors would prove to be fatal to himself and, some would say, for his country, too. The Spanish-American War of 1898 catapulted the Skull & Bones crowd into a position of dominance within the Republican Party. At the 1900 party presidential nominating convention, McKinley was forced to accept Teddy Roosevelt as his vice presidential running mate. The McKinley-Roosevelt slate was swept into office, in part as the result of the jingoist climate built up by the just-concluded Spanish-American War. Those circumstances were not all that different from the mood that prevails in America in the aftermath of the Gulf War of 1991. Within months of his inauguration of 1901, President McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist while traveling through Buffalo, New York. Thus, Teddy Roosevelt became president, and the Order of Skull & Bones for the first time moved into the White House. Roosevelt surrounded himself with Bonesmen. His successor in 1908, William Howard Taft, was himself a second generation member of Skull & Bones. A member of the Order’s class of 1888, Stimson served seven U.S. presidents: Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft (a fellow Bonesman) Woodrow Wilson Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry S Truman During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the House of Morgan came out on top. Not coincidentally, Morgan Guaranty Trust and Morgan Stanley have been cornerstones of the Skull & Bones grouping on Wall Street since their founding during the last century. Founding partner Harold Stanley was a Bonesman. Сенаторы США - члены общества "Череп и кости": Sen. Jonathan Bingham (D-N.M.). Sen. David Boren (D-Okla.) is chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.); Former Navy Secretary and on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.): Recently killed in an airplane crash. was a Bonesman as was his father. The Heinz family has one of the largest food-producing companies in the world. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.): Formerly on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Kerry is now on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Некоторые известные члены общества: George Bush (initiated in 1948): President of the United States. Comes from a complete Bones family. Father Prescott, a Bones initiate of the class of 1917. Uncle George Herbert Walker, Bones Class of 1927. U S Federal District Court Judge John Walker is also a relative and a Bonesman. Henry P. Davison (Bones Class of l920): Key senior partner in the Morgan banking and financial trust networks. His fellow Bonesman Harold Stanley (1908) founded the investment bank Morgan Stanley. Davison and his family helped set up the Guaranty Trust Corporation which became Morgan Guaranty Thomas Cochran (1904 Bonesman) was one of the most powerful partners in the Morgan bank. The influence of the Morgan banking system can be seen in its relationship with the hierarchy of U.S. intelligence. The head of the Office of Strategic Services, Gen. William Donovan, worked as a Morgan intelligence operative in the 1920s and prepared the intelligence reports for the Morgan banking concerns on developments in Europe. F. Trubee Davison became CIA Director of Personnel in 1951 and placed key Bonesmen in the right positions inside the CIA. Paul Goldstein and Jeffrey Steinberg 1991 connect.in.com
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