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Распаковка архивов .t3x для TYPO3 CMS2010-01-12 01:43:03 (читать в оригинале)Несколько лет назад я работал с TYPO3 CMS, сама система меня не впечатлила ни по скорости работы, ни по коду. От комментариев насчет качества кода воздержусь, это не тема данного поста :) Все расширения для данной CMS идут в архиве собственного формата .t3x - самописное подобие TAR-а + gzip сжатие. Руками распаковывать очень неудобно, поэтому родился следующий скрипт: static $instance = null; protected static $instanceCalled = false; private $errors = array(); protected function addError() { $this->errors[] = func_get_args(); } protected function clearErrors() { $this->errors = array(); } public function getErrors($clear = true) { $out = $this->errors; if($clear) { $this->clearErrors(); } return $out; } public static function instance($classname = __CLASS__) { if(is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instanceCalled = true; self::$instance = new $classname(); } return self::$instance; } public function hook($handler="exception", $errorTypes = null) { if(is_null($errorTypes)) { $errorTypes = E_ALL | E_STRICT; } $method = $handler.self::HANDLER_METHOD_SUFFIX; $class = get_class($this); if(!method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new Exception("Method $class::$method doesn't exist"); } set_error_handler(array($this, $method), $errorTypes); } public function unhook() { restore_error_handler(); } public function exceptionHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $this->addError(func_get_args()); throw new Exception($errstr, $errno); } public function verboseHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $this->addError(func_get_args()); } } class Dir { public static function create($path, $mode = 0777, $recursive = true) { $path = self::normalize($path); if(file_exists($path) && is_dir($path)) { return; } mkdir($path, 0777, true); } public static function normalize($path) { $path = trim($path); $path = rtrim($path, "."); $path = str_replace(array("/","\\"), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); return $path; } } class Dumper { private $fileMode = "w"; public function setAppendMode($arg = true) { $this->fileMode = (bool) $arg ? "a" : "w"; } public function varDump($data, $file) { ob_start(); var_dump($data); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->writeToFile($out, $file); } public function writeToFile($data, $f) { $f = fopen($f, $this->fileMode); if(!$f) { throw new Exception("Cannot write to $f"); } fwrite($f, $data); fclose($f); } } class TypoExtension { const HEADER_SIZE = 44; private $isValid = false; private $fileObj = null; private $data = array(); public function __construct() { } public function unpack($targetDir) { if(!isset($this->data['FILES'])) { return; } $targetDir = Dir::normalize($targetDir); foreach($this->data['FILES'] as $row) { $dir = $targetDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.dirname($row['name']); Dir::create($dir); $file = Dir::normalize($targetDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$row['name']); file_put_contents($file, $row['content']); } } public function read($file) { if(!file_exists($file)) { throw new Exception("No such file: '{$file}'"); } if(!is_readable($file)) { throw new Exception("File is not readable: '{$file}'"); } $f = @fopen($file, "r"); if(false === $f) { throw new Exception("Cannot open file: '{$file}'"); } $size = $fileSize = filesize($file); if($fileSize < self::HEADER_SIZE) { throw new Exception("Size of file should be > ".self::HEADER_SIZE.": '{$file}'"); } $size -= self::HEADER_SIZE; $head = fread($f, self::HEADER_SIZE); /** * Parse params */ $params = explode(":", $head, 3); $gzencode = array_pop($params); $gzencode = array_pop($params); $fictiveCrc = array_pop($params); if($gzencode !== 'gzcompress') { throw new Exception("Invalid header found in file: '{$file}'"); } $data = @fread($f, $size); if(false === $data) { throw new Exception("Cannot read data from file: '{$file}'"); } $data = @gzuncompress ($data); if(false === $data) { throw new Exception("Invalid data (not gzcompressed) in file: '{$file}'"); } $this->data = @unserialize($data); if(unserialize(false) === $this->data) { throw new Exception("Invalid data (gzcompressed, but not serialized) in file: '{$file}'"); } return $this; } } class __app { private static $singleton = null; private $argc; private $argv; public function instance() { if(is_null(self::$singleton)) { self::$singleton = new self(); } return self::$singleton; } public function setArgs($argv, $argc) { $this->argc = (int) $argc; $this->argv = (array) $argv; } public function checkArgs() { if(3 !== $this->argc) { throw new Exception("Arguments should be: <file> <target>"); } } public function getArgs() { $this->checkArgs(); return array($this->argv[1], $this->argv[2]); } public function run($argv, $argc) { try { $this->setArgs($argv, $argc); list($file, $dir) = $this->getArgs(); $c = new TypoExtension(); $c->read($file)->unpack($dir); } catch (Exception $e) { printf("Error: %s\n", $e->getMessage()); exit(1); } print "OK\n"; exit(0); } } if(empty($argv)) { print "Not running from command line\n"; exit(0); } __app::instance()->run($argv, $argc); ?>
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