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Delicious Food Site
Delicious Food Site
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://www.delicioussite.com
Добавлен: 2010-06-10 20:14:48

Cocoa good for vision and brain

2011-05-22 22:38:59 (читать в оригинале)

A study conducted at the University of Reading (University of Reading), showed that theflavonoids contained in cocoa beans, increase the activity of the brain and improveeyesight. This occurs due to acceleration of blood flow to the brain and the increasedsupply of all tissues. This effect persists about 2,5 hours after eating the cocoa masscontaining flavonoids. With constant use of dark chocolate containing a large amount of cocoa butter, there is steady improvement in vision, attention, memory and other cognitivefunctions. If you use milk chocolate, this has not been noticed. Related posts:Cocoa is better, than chocolate Cocoa restores forces Vegetarianism is dangerous for your brain Related posts:
  1. Cocoa is better, than chocolate
  2. Cocoa restores forces
  3. Vegetarianism is dangerous for your brain

Тэги: brain, cocoa, eat, eye, healthy, new


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