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QR codes

2012-06-08 11:16:34 (читать в оригинале)

XMPie, if you are a user already, can generate QR codes on the fly. There are a few a dilemmas with embedding contact information directly in a QR code though: First, the QR code would have to be very information dense, making it difficult to print / read at smaller sizes. Remember that the more info in a QR code the larger it needs to be printed. The best way to circumvent this is to instead embed a URL that points to a contact information file on the web — the shorter the URL, the better, because then your QR code can be smaller / read more easily when scanned.Second, iPhones do not use vcf format to store contacts natively, and thus cannot read them. See discussion here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2337307 vCards are otherwise the most commonly supported Contact info file format — As with most Apple products, they don't like being cross-platform friendly. In tandem with the URL direction above, what we've done is set up a server that detects the OS of the device accessing the contact URL and then dynamically supplies either a .vcf (for Android / Blackberry) or an iPhone compatible contact info file. This way all smart phone users [...]

Тэги: маркетинг


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