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Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

2012-02-08 10:27:49 (читать в оригинале)



The typed (as opposed to type-set) version of a novel, as originally submitted to the publisher by an author. Much of the editing and revision of a book takes place at the manuscript stage.

Источник: Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August.

What is the proper way to use parentheticals? | Screenwriting.io

2012-02-06 13:31:00 (читать в оригинале)

Вопросы и ответы

Parentheticals (also called “wrylies” or “actor’s direction”) are used to clear up confusion about a line that could be read multiple ways:



Nice throw, Kyle.

They can also be used to indicate who a speaker is addressing:


(to Tebow)

Get in there already!

You will sometimes see them used to indicate action. This is acceptable if the action is short. (For longer actions, you’re better off ending the dialogue block and putting the action in scene description.)



(putting on helmet)


…can be replaced with:

As he puts on his helmet—



Parentheticals are also sometimes used to indicate a pause in dialogue:




…we’re counting on you.

Or with more specific action…



(grabbing Tim’s facemask)

…we’re counting on you.

The same idea could be achieved by using a line of scene description:



He grabs Tim’s facemask and looks straight into his eyes.


…we’re counting on you.

Parentheticals should be used sparingly.

In this 2010 blog post, John August takes a look at some professional screenplays, and counts their parentheticals use.

Источник: What is the proper way to use parentheticals? | Screenwriting.io.

Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

2012-02-06 10:26:44 (читать в оригинале)



In screenwriting, a piece of description placed on its own line, in uppercase letters, to signify its importance in the scene . Often used to break longer scenes into manageable chunks.

Источник: Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August.

What is the hero’s journey? | Screenwriting.io

2012-02-05 12:02:02 (читать в оригинале)

Вопросы и ответы

The hero’s journey is the epic structure defined by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Campbell argues that the great enduring myths from around the world all share an underlying structure he calls the “monomyth.” In the introduction to his book, Campbell breaks it down:

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

Modern writers like Phil Cousineau, David Adams and Christopher Vogler have expanded upon, broken down, and/or modernized Campbell’s structure in their books. Vogler’s The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers explains the journey in a screenwriter-friendly way.

He breaks it down into twelve major steps:

Heroes are introduced in the ORDINARY WORLD, where

they receive the CALL TO ADVENTURE.

They are RELUCTANT at first or REFUSE THE CALL, but

are encouraged by a MENTOR to

CROSS THE FIRST THRESHOLD and enter the Special World, where

they encounter TESTS, ALLIES, AND ENEMIES.

They APPROACH THE INMOST CAVE, crossing a second threshold

where they endure the ORDEAL.

They take possession of their REWARD and

are pursued on THE ROAD BACK to the Ordinary World.

They cross the third threshold, experience a RESURRECTION, and a transformed by the experience.

They RETURN WITH THE ELIXER, a boon or treasure to benefit the Ordinary World.

Источник: What is the hero’s journey? | Screenwriting.io.

Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

2012-02-05 10:08:18 (читать в оригинале)



The period after principal photography in which a film is edited, visual effects are completed, sound work is done, and a musical score is laid down, all leading up to the theatrical release.

Источник: Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August.

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