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Добавлен: 2007-10-25 14:12:19 блограйдером Lurk

2012-02-02 13:21:30 (читать в оригинале)

Я сейчас тут: Москва, Россия

How do you format two characters talking at once? | Screenwriting.io

2012-02-02 13:06:07 (читать в оригинале)

Вопросы и ответы

When two characters are talking at the same time, it is referred to as “dual dialogue,” and the two speakers’ text blocks go side-by-side.

Most screenwriting programs have an option for this. In Final Draft 8, for instance, if you type the dialogues normally with one below the other, highlight both, and select Format –> Dual Dialogue, it will put the blocks side-by-side.

Источник: How do you format two characters talking at once? | Screenwriting.io.

Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August

2012-02-02 10:10:56 (читать в оригинале)



An unflattering term for a writer or director who carelessly puts together a script or film with little talent or regard for craft or storytelling.

Источник: Glossary | A ton of useful information about screenwriting from screenwriter John August.

2012-02-01 18:45:37 (читать в оригинале)

Я сейчас тут: Москва, Россия

How long should it take to write a screenplay? | Screenwriting.io

2012-02-01 13:28:04 (читать в оригинале)

Вопросы и ответы

There is no set length of time it should take to write a screenplay, but professional screenwriters are often given deadlines they have to meet, so being able to write quickly and efficiently is certainly an asset.

Feature deals usually allow for a 12-week writing period for the first draft, but the deadline is often flexible. TV writers are often asked to turn around an episode in less than a week.

In a 2008 blog post, John August says this:

I’m hesitant to give a firm number for how many weeks it should take to write a script. Every project is different. [...] [T]he better question to ask: How quickly should a professional screenwriter be able to turn around a script, given some urgency? In my experience, the most successful screenwriters are the ones who are able to accurately estimate how much time they’ll need. [...] For feature films, I’d be reluctant to hire a writer who couldn’t deliver a script in eight weeks.

Источник: How long should it take to write a screenplay? | Screenwriting.io.

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