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Адрес блога: http://rmworld.ru/publ/
Добавлен: 2010-10-15 16:02:48 блограйдером fingus

“foot wrap” technique

2011-06-12 10:01:48 (читать в оригинале)

The basic premise for writing this work were massive and very negative reviews of almost all the masters for the restoration and tuning the piano, made during the discussion of the proposed method to the Forum "Classic". Some of these reviews were relatively constructive and justified theoretically, many of my colleagues did not accept the proposed method, in principle, not bothering some explanations on this issue, some masters took my attempts to revive the non-repairable "instruments, as an attempt to undermine his own authority, in pushing the debate in the first place is not a theoretical justification, no experience in this direction and ambitions of a past master of his craft, which gave the debate a few non-structural in nature, transforming it into the plane of personal relationships.


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