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Gerhard Schröder at SPD party congress: “The euro crisis is also on the account of Merkel and Schäuble”

2017-06-25 21:00:44 (читать в оригинале)

Gerhard Schröder at the SPD party congress “The euro crisis is also on the account of Merkel and Schäuble” Does the SPD still make the trend reversal? Old Chancellor Schröder gave a militant speech at the Dortmund convention and attacked the federal government. REUTERS Gerhard Schröder Sunday, June 25, 2017 & nbsp; 11:50 h To […]

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China debris flow, the dead 24 people, 93 people unknown … search difficult to progress

2017-06-25 21:00:44 (читать в оригинале)

On December 25, a debris flow occurred in Sichuan Province of China, an emergency crew member and a search dog (AP) A search activity (AP) conducted by introducing heavy machinery at a debris flow occurred in Sichuan Province, China on 25th,                                                                【Shanghai = Akiko Yoshinaga】 On December 24, […]

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Assembly: Marielle de Sarnez not candidate for the presidency of the MoDem group

2017-06-25 21:00:44 (читать в оригинале)

Marielle de Sarnez said she had had difficult days in recent weeks. She said on Sunday that she would not be a candidate for the president of the MoDem group in the Assembly. After being exfiltered this week from the government, with lenity and without kicks, Marielle de Sarnez returns to the Assembly. But the […]

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Election election management committee, opposition party ナ ワ contract Tahiti air’s presidential election election does not recognize

2017-06-25 19:00:32 (читать в оригинале)

[Moscow = Hanada Yoshio] On the 23rd, Russia’s Central Chiefsman led a demonstration protesting against the corruption of the Putin administration, and Mr. Alexei Nawalynui (41), an opposition leader who expressed his candidacy for the presidential election next March , He announced that he could not run for the election. In the case of          […]

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Popularity: Emmanuel Macron does better than François Hollande at the beginning of his mandate

2017-06-25 19:00:32 (читать в оригинале)

Sixty-four percent of French people are satisfied with Emmanuel Macron (+ 2% compared with May 2017) and Edouard Philippe (+ 9%), according to an Ifop poll for the Journal du Dimanche (JDD). 54.6% of respondents said they were “somewhat satisfied (50% in May) and 10% were” very satisfied “(12% in May). Among the 35% of […]

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