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Адрес блога: http://pop-news.info
Добавлен: 2010-11-15 15:36:59

What is the “project CDI” that the government wants to expand?

2017-06-24 19:00:34 (читать в оригинале)

The enabling bill, which will allow the government to reform the Labor Code by ordinances, was revealed Wednesday by Le Monde. The aim of this project is to promote and secure, by sectoral agreement or, failing that, on an experimental basis depending on the sector or the workforce of the undertaking, the use of contracts […]

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Taxes: everything Emmanuel Macron prepares

2017-06-24 19:00:34 (читать в оригинале)

Shoppingwith iGraal Save on all your purchases from over 1,500 merchants                  Taxes d’habitation, CSG, ISF, Income Tax: the reforms planned by Emmanuel Macron must give priority to those that contribute to growth and employment. He knows by heart the subjects of taxation. He knew precisely where he wanted to go, and hoped to keep the […]

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Abduction alert triggered in Melun (Seine-et-Marne) for Adam, five years

2017-06-24 17:00:18 (читать в оригинале)

The child was abducted by his father in the night from Thursday to Friday. They were last seen in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). More than a day has passed since its disappearance. The alert system was triggered early Saturday morning to find a five-year-old boy abducted in the night from Thursday to Friday by his father in […]

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In China, landslides, 100 people were buried in Sichuan Province, heavy rain

2017-06-24 15:00:24 (читать в оригинале)

【Beijing co-】 China Abu · Tibetan Chamber of the Sichuan Province Autonomous Region Shigeru Prefecture on Monday morning a landslide occurred, more than 100 people were buried alive. The Chinese media reported. Authorities are heading to the scene and conduct relief activities. It is said that the heavy rain had continued on the site, it […]

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Mr. Depp, joking poker’s assassination tolerance … apologize

2017-06-24 15:00:24 (читать в оригинале)

Johnny Depp (Reuters)                                                                [New York: Hashimoto Junya] Johnny Depp, a popular actor in the U.S., on 22nd, has skipped a joke as if to accept the assassination of US President Trump, at a music festival held in the UK on 22nd. U.S. media and others reported greatly, and […]

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