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Java Set and it’s implementations

2015-05-08 22:49:30 (читать в оригинале)

One of the useful interfaces that derives from Collection is Set. The main feature of Set is that it cannot contain duplicates. Like List interface Set can store objects. In order to detect duplicates it uses hashcode and equals. Let’s play with some extensions and implementations of this interface. HashSet If we will compare all […]

How to sort Java objects

2015-05-07 22:17:13 (читать в оригинале)

There is an interesting topic regarding Java Collections. It’s name is sorting. We can sort a List using two ways: Comparable Method Collections.sort allows to sort List’s that contains elements which implements Comparable interface. public void sortIt(List personList) { Collections.sort(personList); } it is important to keep in mind that Person should implement Comparable interface. Without […]

How to use generate-with in GWT

2015-05-05 21:23:52 (читать в оригинале)

Construction generate-with is pretty simple. First of all we need to add special declaration to *.gwt.xml <generate-with class="com.myApp.AnimalGenerator"> <when-type-assignable class="com.myApp.Animal" /> </generate-with> Here Animal is a interface: public interface Animal { public String name(); } AnimalGenerator extends magic Generator in order to make things happen. public class AnimalGenerator extends Generator { private static final String […]

How replace-with works in GWT

2015-05-04 21:15:29 (читать в оригинале)

There is a very handy feature in GWT that makes it possible to choose which implementation of interface to use. It’s name is Deferred Binding. The working example could be very simple. We will create a interface, but it could be a class. public interface Animal { public String getName(); } and several implementations. One […]

GWT: How to use @UiTemplate

2015-05-03 20:50:16 (читать в оригинале)

Another useful GWT annotation is @UiTemplate. It can be used in theme switching. Originally any GWT Widget can have only one *.ui.xml template. With @UiTemplate there could be two or more templates. Lets create two ui.xml files: 1. CustomWidget1.ui.xml <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' xmlns:g='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui'> <g:HTMLPanel> <g:Label text="CustomWidget1" /> </g:HTMLPanel> </ui:UiBinder> 2. CustomWidget2.ui.xml <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' xmlns:g='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui'> <g:HTMLPanel> <g:Label […]

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