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Misha Verbitsky
Misha Verbitsky
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://lj.rossia.org/users/tiphareth/
Добавлен: 2008-01-02 18:18:22 блограйдером Robin_Bad

five hundred rebirths as a fox

2012-08-11 04:00:43 (читать в оригинале)

Кстати, в японском языке fallacy of implied causality
(Post hoc ergo propter hoc) невозможно даже
произнести, ибо "после" и "потому" - одно и
тоже слово, kara.

Вообще у японцев сложные отношения с причинностью,
"причинность" обозначает тот же концепт, что и
дхарма, то есть закон воздаяния.

Про это есть две занятные притчи. Первая -
из комментария на один из самых знаменитых
буддистских коанов, "Nansen kills the kitten".

Once Ejo asked: "What is meant by the expression:
'Cause and effect are not clouded'?"

Dogen said: "Cause and effect are immovable."

Ejo asked: "If this is so, how can we escape?"

Dogen replied: "Cause and effect emerge clearly at the
same time."

Ejo asked: "If this is so, does cause prompt the next
effect, or does effect bring about the next cause?"

Dogen said: "If everything were like that, it would be
like Nan-ch'uan cutting the cat. Because the assembly
was unable to say anything, Nan-ch'uan cut the cat in
two. Later, when Nan-ch'uan told this story to
Chao-chou, the latter put his straw sandal on his head
and went out, an excellent performance. If I had been
Nan-ch'uan, I would have said: 'Even if you can speak,
I will cut the cat, and even if you cannot speak, I
will still cut it. Who is arguing about the cat? Who
can save the cat?'"

Dogen, Shobogenzo Zuimonki, 1.6[ 1 ]

И вторая, менее известная

When Hyakujo Osho delivered a certain series of
sermons, an old man always followed the monks to the main
hall and listened to him. When the monks left the hall,
the old man would also leave. One day, however, he
remained behind and Hyakujo asked him, "Who are you,
standing there before me?" The old man replied, "I am not
a human being. In the old days of Kashyapa buddha, I was a
head monk living here on this mountain. One day a student
asked me, 'Does a man of enlightenment fall under the yoke
of causation or not?' I answered, 'No, he does not.' Since
then I have been doomed to undergo five hundred rebirths
as a fox. I beg you now to give the turning word to
release me from my life as a fox. Tell me, does a man of
enlightenment fall under the yoke of causation or not?"
Hyakujo answered, "He does not ignore [cloud] causation
[cause and effect]." No sooner had the old man heard these
words than he was enlightened.

По-моему, восхитительно.


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Тэги: japan


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