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Misha Verbitsky
Misha Verbitsky
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://lj.rossia.org/users/tiphareth/
Добавлен: 2008-01-02 18:18:22 блограйдером Robin_Bad

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2013-04-12 22:17:27 (читать в оригинале)

про гомосексуальные ритуалы папуасов самбия.

The Sambia initiatory cycle starts when the boy is between
the ages of 6 and 10, and proceeds to 6 stages until he
becomes the father of one child, some 10 to 15 years

The first stage is when the boys are removed from their
mothers and are then inducted into the men's cult.
Older men now tell the boys that the bachelors are going
to copulate with them orally in order to make them
grow. The whole purpose of this is because several elders
testify that boys are unable to mature into men unless
they ingest semen and that all men have, "eaten the
penis". After formal ceremonies end, the bachelors make
erotic advances to the boys and homosexual activity takes
place outside on the darkened dance ground. "Not all
initiates will participate in this ceremonial homosexual
activity, but in about five days later several will have
perform fellatio several times." It is quite astonishing
to see the men who are known to be so prudish to
participate in homosexual activity so openly and
welcoming. Boys would even seek out their favorite
bachelors by openly stimulating their genitalia.

...The third stage, in contrast, brings about a very
important change in the youth's status and activities. It
is a puberty rite that marks adolescences. The boys become
bachelors and shift from being inseminated to becoming
inseminators. The adolescents are severely beaten and nose
bled. After the boys are thrashed with quill bones and are
violently and unexpectedly subjected to another nose
bleed, another step in this initiation is to capture a
women foe in the hamlet and kill an enemy warrior. After
the warrior must ingest his semen, the semen in essence of
the masculine spirit, would transfer to the enemy and
slower and strengthen the dying enemy.

...The fifth stage of initiation now takes about at the time
of his wife's menarche. His nose is now bled once more by
himself and he learns in great detail how to protect
himself from his wife's pollution in greater detail. In
certain cases he must place mint leaves in his nostrils
and chew a certain branch while having intercourse will
this wife so he will not smell his wife's genital
odor. After this, he must bathe in a bath of mud and bleed
his nose each time his wife menstruates. He begins to be
hostile with his wife because he is upset that he has to
nose bleed each time she menstruates because she pollutes
him and endangers his life. "The initiate is now a man who
has been isolated from women for a 12 years; he has
practiced homosexual fellatio, and has even had the
dangers of vaginal intercourse readily. His young wife has
been taught to practice fellatio before they even attempt
to vaginal intercourse. She must ingest the semen given to
her by her husband to later be able to provide from her
child while producing breast milk and strong bones. It is
believe that breast milk is transformed semen and
therefore it is the men who indirectly nourish the baby.

И у Кона.

Ритуалы инсеминации (осеменения) мальчиков широко
распространены у народов Новой Гвинеи и Меланезии. Когда
мальчикам папуасского племени самбия исполняется по
семь-восемь лет, их отбирают у матерей и помещают в
замкнутый мужской мир. Самбия верят, что для того, чтобы
созреть и вырасти, мальчик должен регулярно пить мужское
семя, как младенец -- материнское молоко. Недаром обе
жидкости -- белые. Сосание члена для мальчика -- то же,
что сосание груди для младенца. До начала полового
созревания мальчики "высасывают" старших подростков и
юношей, а затем их самих обслуживают новички.

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Тэги: gomoseki, smeshnoe


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