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Амарант России
Амарант России
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://blog.amarantus.ru.
Добавлен: 2011-02-19 20:44:00

Insurance amaranth

2016-02-08 19:08:36 (читать в оригинале)

Insurance amaranth Insurance object – amaranth. Insurance (event) risks: drought, lack of heat, excessive moisture waterlogging, damping-off, freezing freezing, flood, storm, hurricane rain, hail, lodging lack of water or low water in irrigation sources other unusual for the area of ​​weather or other natural phenomena, unless they are expressly provided terms of the contract disease, […]

Credit for the processing of amaranth

2016-02-08 18:25:03 (читать в оригинале)

Credit for the processing of amaranth Amaranth – exclusively high-protein crops. In overall productivity ama-welt corn exceeds 2.5 times capable of forming 40 – 60 tons of dry matter per hectare per 100 – 120 days of growing. Amaranth drought-resistant and formation of 1 g of dry matter consumed in 3, I times less water […]

Business plan for the cultivation of amaranth

2016-02-05 18:49:23 (читать в оригинале)

Business plan for the cultivation of amaranth Production consists of three stages: a) The cultivation of amaranth; b) drying of amaranth; c) processing of amaranth on pectin and protein. For the cultivation of amaranth will be used by the general land-Ploscha Dew 800 hectares. Sowing seeds of amaranth can be done in the spring and […]

Business amaranth

2016-02-05 18:47:41 (читать в оригинале)

Business amaranth In recent decades, it carried out a total revision of the plant resources of the planet in order to find the most promising species for practical use. One such promising plant universal use, many experts believe amaranth, which in 1930 was included in the NI Vavilov number of food plants, “to be nezamedlitelnomsu […]

Amaranth decorative

2015-11-06 21:10:37 (читать в оригинале)

In appearance amaranth — it grew up to 2 meters tall, powerful, sprawling, unpretentious and stunningly beautiful plant. Planted his seeds in April and May, as soon as the earth warms up enough, without fear of frost, as plant is very cold-hardy, unpretentious and endurance. After 5-7 days after planting the seedlings appear first friendly. […]

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