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Добавлен: 2011-03-01 21:54:49

Blocks That Matter (2011/PC/ENG)

2011-11-30 23:17:52 (читать в оригинале)

Blocks That Matter (2011/PC/ENG)
Blocks That Matter (2011/PC/ENG)
PC Game | Developer/Publisher: Swing Swing Submarine | 94 MB
Genre: Arcade

When third-party developers Alexis and Marcus into trouble, their only hope - of their own creation. You - tetrobot, a small robot that can drill blocks of different materials, one by one, to collect and recycle them into new blocks of four parts. You also have the ability to destroy a line of eight or more blocks in the "Old Russian" style of play. Sand, wood, stone, iron, diamonds: every material has its own characteristics, which you must use wisely. Prepare loaf and combine their skills to solve puzzles with the ability to jump on the platforms in this incredible game!

Тэги: game


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