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Confrontation (PC/2012/ENG/SteamRip by MalyshShok)

2012-06-08 11:57:16 (читать в оригинале)

Confrontation (PC/2012/ENG/SteamRip by MalyshShok)
Confrontation (PC/2012/ENG/SteamRip by MalyshShok)
2012 | PC Game | English | Developer : Cyanide Studios | Publisher : Focus Home Interactive | 1.3GB
Genre : Strategy (Real time) / 3D

Role playing fantasy universe created exclusively for the PC based on the well known desktop wargames from the company Rackham. You have to go back to the war torn universe Aarklash to lead a campaign against the brave soldiers Griffin violent followers of Scorpio and destroy these creatures possessed with a thirst for power in the final, decisive , Battle. However, these monsters are not only your enemies. On the way into the den of scorpions you come up with no less horrific enemies rampant bloodthirsty Wolf and powerful evil orcs.

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