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Disciples 2 Guardians of the Light (PC game/2003/Eng/iMMERSiON)

2012-07-13 16:35:14 (читать в оригинале)

Disciples 2 Guardians of the Light (PC game/2003/Eng/iMMERSiON)
Disciples 2 Guardians of the Light (PC game/2003/Eng/iMMERSiON)
PC Game | 2003 | EnglisH | Publisher & Developer:Strategy First | 1.29GB

Disciples II: Guardians of the Light is a stand alone expansion that lets you dive into the fantastical world of Disciples II as either the Empire or the Mountain Clans. The Empire is decaying from within as self proclaimed rulers struggle for control of the now vacant throne while a cruel Inquisition sweeps across the human lands, causing rebellion and misery. Meanwhile the Clans, recovering from their near destruction, begin to reunite their tribes. They have received divine instructions and now seek to uncover an ancient ritual that will let them communicate with their god, Wotan.

Тэги: game


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