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Добавлен: 2011-03-01 21:54:49

Crysis v1.2.1(2007/RUS/ENG/Repack by RG Shift)

2012-07-13 16:26:03 (читать в оригинале)

Crysis v1.2.1(2007/RUS/ENG/Repack by RG Shift)
Crysis v1.2.1(2007/RUS/ENG/Repack by RG Shift)
2007 | PC Game | english/Russian | Developer : Crytek | Publisher : Electronic Arts | 4GB
Genre : Shooter , Action , 3D , 1st person

People do not just represent the end of the world, attributing the role of executioner is fatal flooding, the terrible disease, a nuclear war. In fact, everything was somewhat exotic. Collapsed into one of the outlying islands was a huge asteroid spaceship capable to reverse the Earths climate. Went to the study of anomalies of troops in North Korea and the U.S. were the only defenders of humanity. Prepare to face with the unknown enemy - in this battle, you have a critical role! New exciting fantasy gunman Crysis - this brilliant creation of Crytek Studios, famous project FarCry!

Тэги: game


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