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Codename Panzers - Anthology (2004-2009-MULTi2.RePack by 007)

2013-03-16 14:57:30 (читать в оригинале)

Codename Panzers - Anthology (2004-2009-MULTi2.RePack by 007)
Codename Panzers - Anthology (2004-2009/MULTi2/RePack by _007_)
Year: 2004-2009 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: Stormregion | Publisher: 1C | 5.87 Gb
Genre: RTS

Codename Panzers - Phase 1: istorically accurate strategy games on the Second World War - not necessarily hexagonal vorgeymy step, and Codename: Panzers with success proves it. Game - a fully three-dimensional tactical real time strategy game, it does not have anything to do with the RTS-clones. Hungarian company Stormregion, has received acclaim for his debut project SWINE, has created an amazing detail and elaborate on the simulation of battles - from small skirmishes on the narrow city streets or in the mountains, to the major tank battles on the plains and marshes. The game covers nearly the entire course of the war, except for the battles in Africa.

Тэги: game


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