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Etherlords 2 - GOG

2013-03-18 21:13:13 (читать в оригинале)

Etherlords 2 - GOG
Etherlords 2 - GOG
Year: 2004 | PC | Eng Ger | Developer: Nival Interactive | Publisher: Nival Interactive / GOG | 800 MB
Genre: Strategy / Turn-Based

In the fictional world of a conflict of four races or parties: Vitals (green, life, and nature), Chaots (red, chaos and fire), he'll toss (blue color, movement, and water), synthetic (black, synthesis, and technology) .
At the beginning, we are given a choice of two campaigns for passage - the Campaign for the vital and campaign for chaotic. The choice of the first campaign determines which campaign will be available to us next. The campaign on the campaign trail will be thrown randomly, and for Vitalskoy - Sintetskaya, that is, the passing game is on the two branches. After you pass the first two campaigns, you will be a third, common to both branches - for Diamanda.

Тэги: game


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