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25 To Life (PC/Eng/Rus/2005/Repack By VANSIK)

2013-03-27 21:15:34 (читать в оригинале)

25 To Life (PC/Eng/Rus/2005/Repack By VANSIK)
25 To Life (PC/Eng/Rus/2005/Repack By VANSIK)
English | Platform: PC | Release: 2006 | Publisher: Eidos Interactive | Developer: Avalanche Software | 1.30 GB
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person

This time, "intensity" will be presented by American brave cops in kevlar body armor, and the forces of evil - tattooed "knights" shotgun and hip-hop. Despite the presence of a small single player campaign, as a guardian of the law, and for the "bad guys", the main vocation of 25 to Life - a multiplayer mode. At such thoughts suggest the following facts: the solid backing of the clans (with the creation of its own symbolism and her unique style), thoughtful balance of weapons and highly interactive game levels. For example, the location of enemies lurking may issue such "trifles" as the car alarm is tripped or a dog coming into the hysterical barking.

Тэги: game


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