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Far Cry 3 PS3 - Repack by Afd

2013-04-19 00:42:09 (читать в оригинале)

Far Cry 3 PS3 - Repack by Afd
Far Cry 3 PS3 - Repack by Afd
2012 | PS3 | Developer : Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Massive | Publisher : Ubisoft | 5.34GB
Code disc : NPEB-01096 | Language : Russian English | Firmware : CFW 4.21 / 4.30 CFW
Genre : Action

The main character, Jason Brody, goes on vacation with friends at an extraordinarily beautiful tropical island. And then he is held hostage by a band of pirates led by a mad killer Vasa. From this point on, your task - to survive at any cost.
Jason will be embroiled in a bloody war between the pirates and the local rebels, in which the blood lead and drugs flow like water. Some psychopaths fighting with others, and soon the protagonist is no longer able to distinguish the drug from the delusional dream reality. Nutty islands crazy anyone who sets foot on it, and finally have to go crazy to stay here. Are you insane?

Тэги: game, ps3


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