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Infinite Undiscovery USA X360-VORTEX

2013-04-27 01:32:53 (читать в оригинале)

Infinite Undiscovery USA X360-VORTEX
Infinite Undiscovery USA X360-VORTEX
English | Platform: Xbox | Release: 5 September, 2008 | Publisher: Square Enix | Developer: Tri-Ace | 14.595 GB
Genre: RPG

Deep in a forest, in one of the Orders prisons, a young boy named Capell was being held captive. His captors called him the "Liberator," though he had no clue as to what they meant. On the third day of his imprisonment, he was rescued by a spirited young woman named Aya. She was a member of a small band of brave warriors who had gathered under the banner of Sigmund the Liberator to free the world from the iron grip of the Order. Upon meeting Sigmund, he was surprised to find a man who shared his very face and appearance. This meeting would change Capells life forever and shake the foundation of the world itself.

Тэги: game


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