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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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3DG.Me - 3D Graphics and Game Development Blog. News, Articles,
3DG.Me - 3D Graphics and Game Development Blog. News, Articles,
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://3dg.me
Добавлен: 2011-05-28 11:42:22 блограйдером Treidge

Buy One Ebook from Packt and Get Another One for Free Before March, 26th

2014-03-24 21:52:50 (читать в оригинале)


GameDev: Books

Packt Publishing logoPackt Publishing celebrates their 2000th title with an exclusive offer — from 18th to 26th, March buy one ebook through Packt website and get another one for free. Only two more days left!

Buy One Ebook from Packt and Get Another One for Free Before March, 26th

2014-03-24 21:52:50 (читать в оригинале)


GameDev: Books

Packt Publishing logoPackt Publishing celebrates their 2000th title with an exclusive offer — from 18th to 26th, March buy one ebook through Packt website and get another one for free. Only two more days left!

Genetica 4.0 — New Tools and Features Overview

2013-07-31 14:27:15 (читать в оригинале)


2D Graphics

Genetica 4.0 thumbnailA bit more than two months ago Spiral Graphics Inc. released a new version of its Genetica seamless texture and animation editor. Genetica 4.0 received quite a few enhancements in different areas, as well as new features and tools. This article contains an overview of Genetica 4.0 new features, including the adjusters, the filter system, PixelScript and more.

Genetica 4.0 Announced — Update for Seamless Texture and Effects Editor

2013-01-19 14:06:18 (читать в оригинале)


2D Graphics

Genetica start splashscreen (thumbnail)Spiral Graphics, Inc. has announced a new version of its Genetica seamless texture and effects editor. Genetica 4.0 will get a number of new features and improvements over previous versions, including a new simplified way to tweak texture and effects parameters with adjusters, photo-filter effects, new nodes, 3D models import functionality and more.

Mobile Development with «Learning ShiVa3D Game Development» Book

2013-01-14 14:16:51 (читать в оригинале)


Game Engines: Books

«Learning ShiVa3D Game Development» book cover (thumbnail) Have you heard of ShiVa3D engine? Most likely many of you didn’t. Yet ShiVa3D is very likely the only one engine that has much in similar with Unity and that often is compared to Unity directly. With this article I’d like to bring to your attention this game engine as an alternative to Unity. It really has something to offer. On 166 pages «Learning ShiVa3D Game Development» book will teach you how to make a small game for Android platform using ShiVa3D. If you ever wanted to start learning ShiVa3D — then this book is for you.

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