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Блог Ивачевой Екатерины - живу в Чехи, путешествую ...
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Добавлен: 2011-06-01 16:23:10

Working with the Zen Grid Framework

2010-07-16 04:18:35 (читать в оригинале)


Grid2 is built on the Zen Grid Framework which makes changing, updating and editing the template incredibly easy. If you would like to learn more about the Zen Grid Framework take a look at the Zen Grid feature item on the Joomla Bamboo Site, or take a look through the Zen Grid framework knowledgebase.

For specific instructions on how best to implement the Grid2 template please refer to the Grid2 documentation on the Joomla Bamboo site. The Grid2 documentation highlights a few small changes to the way that the template is implemented within the framework and it also highlights the module settings required for some of the modules you see here on the demo site so its recommended that you look over that article as well as the core Zen Grid Framework documentation.


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