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Адрес блога: http://blog.33drugs.cc
Добавлен: 2011-06-02 13:06:53

May Be More Than A Sex Problem – Erectile Dysfunction

2011-04-29 14:39:31 (читать в оригинале)

Among patients with heart problems, those with erectile dysfunction, or ED, is much more likely to suffer from heart attacks or die from heart problems in the near future, a [...]

Erectile Dysfunction :7 Ways to Treat

2011-04-27 17:37:04 (читать в оригинале)

Treatment for men unable to have an erection took a great leap forward when the first oral erectile dysfunction(ED) medication, Viagra (sildenafil), was introduced in 1998. But there have been strides recently [...]

Fails To Improve Public Health – Bonus Scheme For Doctors

2011-04-25 13:20:28 (читать в оригинале)

Researchers said there was little evidence that the arrangements had reduced hospital admissions for all conditions or led to more ill patients being brought in for treatment. Instead, the system [...]

Ditch meds – Depression dilemma in pregnancy?

2011-04-22 17:44:01 (читать в оригинале)

Clori Rose, a high school teacher in Atlanta, was halfway through her pregnancy when she began a major change in her emotional announcement. A notefrom a student that they normally [...]

Man Sexual Problems Tied Drug To Growth Hair

2011-04-22 17:36:02 (читать в оригинале)

Your plans for a new thick head of hair to restore your confidence and sexual allure just might backfire. The hair-growth drug finasteride, commonly marketed under the trademark name Propecia, [...]

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