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Video guides - online Dance Studio
Video guides - online Dance Studio
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://www.videodancestudio.com/
Добавлен: 2011-07-10 19:25:19 блограйдером alexhustle

Argentine Tango (Finding Your Style via Leg Wraps) - Homer and Cristina Ladas

2011-06-10 17:06:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Dansers: Homer and Cristina Ladas

Didactic demo at the end of an Argentine Tango class - Finding Your Style via Leg Wraps

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

Two Step (Workshop & Tutorial) - Gene Villarreal and Donna Villarreal

2011-05-25 00:23:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Two Step
Danсers: Gene and Donna Villarreal

Video of some fancy Country & Western Two-Step Dance footwork, framework, weaves & patterns taught by Gene Villarreal and Donna Villarreal during a workshop at Cowboys Red River in Dallas, Texas.

Link to the Original Video: Two Step (Buy Dance Music)

All Two Step lessons on video

Two Step - Julie Hein and Don Leynes

2011-05-23 08:54:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Two Step
Danсers: Julie Hein and Don Leynes

Cadillac Ranch Two Step Dance Lesson with Julie & Don. Basic (Quick quick slow slow) on 1st slow, lead (guy) brings left hand up starts to wrap lady so that she ends up on his right side. After another basic in wrap, he torques her left right so she knows she will be turning counter clockwise back to closed position.

Songs used: Mark Chestnut - Brother Jukebox.

Link to the Original Video: Two Step (Buy Dance Music)

All Two Step lessons on video

Two Step - Robert Royston

2011-05-20 12:03:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Two Step
Danсers: Robert Royston

Country Two Step Workshop

Link to the Original Video: Two Step (Buy Dance Music)

All Two Step lessons on video

Two Step (Basics of the Country Two Step) - Shawn Trautman

2011-05-19 23:48:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Two Step
Danсers: Shawn Trautman

How to dance the Two Step. In this Two Step lesson you'll learn the basics of the country two step, the timing and rhythm of the dance, how to hold your partner.

Link to the Original Video: Two Step (Buy Dance Music)

All Two Step lessons on video

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