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Video guides - online Dance Studio
Video guides - online Dance Studio
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://www.videodancestudio.com/
Добавлен: 2011-07-10 19:25:19 блограйдером alexhustle

Argentine Tango (Easy Social Colgadas) - Homer and Cristina Ladas

2012-06-29 22:04:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas

Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an Argentine tango class - Easy Social Colgadas

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

Argentine Tango (Something New, Cool and Simple) - Homer and Cristina Ladas

2012-06-29 22:01:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas

Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an Argentine tango class - Something New, Cool and Simple

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

Argentine Tango (She Goes, He Goes...) - Homer and Cristina Ladas

2012-06-29 21:57:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas

Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - She Goes, He Goes & Other Such Oddities

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

Reggaeton pattern demo - Yunaisy Ferry

2012-06-29 21:33:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Reggaeton
Danсer: Yunaisy Ferry

Reggaeton pattern at the workshop on the Croatian Summer Salsa Festival (CSSF)

Link to the Original Video: Reggaeton (Buy Dance Music)

All Reggaeton lessons on video

Argentine Tango (Finding your Style "MO" vis Leg Wraps) - Homer and Cristina Ladas

2012-06-29 01:39:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Danсers: Homer and Cristina Ladas

Homer and Cristina Ladas conduct a review session and perform a didactic demo at the end of an argentine tango class - Finding your Style "MO" vis Leg Wraps

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

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