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Video guides - online Dance Studio
Video guides - online Dance Studio
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://www.videodancestudio.com/
Добавлен: 2011-07-10 19:25:19 блограйдером alexhustle

Argentine Tango (Ocho Defrente, Inside Caricia) - Meriç Eryılmaz

2012-06-17 13:54:00 (читать в оригинале)

Dance: Argentine Tango
Danсers: Meriç Eryılmaz

Music: "Metejon", Jaime Wilensky

In this video, you will see the basic Forward Ocho plus an embellishment (also known as an Adorno). The embellishment in this video is: the Inside Caricia. This is where you stroke the arch of your extended foot up and down the inside of your supporting leg. This movement may be done smoothly or sharply, depending on your interpretation of the music being played. You may emphasize the up or the down movement. Remember to be gentle, otherwise you may end up scratching your own leg with the shoe.

Link to the Original Video: Argentine Tango (Buy Dance Music)

All Argentine Tango lessons on video

Тэги: argentine, caricia, defrente, eryilmaz, inside, meric, ocho, tango


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