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Адрес блога: http://www.travelphoto.org.ua/
Добавлен: 2011-08-05 18:57:39 блограйдером Ghost

Kiev sights and unusual sculptures

2012-02-21 23:13:00 (читать в оригинале)

In Russian

In addition to famous monuments and historical sights, there are some interesting places in Kiev appeared recently. One of the most remarkable places in the city, moreover, is not mentioned in guidebooks yet  Kiev art sightseeing – The Landscape Alley.
The history of this place is remarkable in itself. Long time ago, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (MFA) have decided to build a "house," in the area. A "modest" house, as possible, and as expensive, as possible, for their needs.Do you know where "the history of the Rus land" started? Here, on this hill you can see the foundation of the oldest Desatynaya Church. Here was the Kiev center in times of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Well, the Ministry Foreign Affairs received a building permit, easy business for bureaucrats ... Residential building with two-level underground parking on millennial secular occepation layer.
The Landscape Alley
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Тэги: english, kiev


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