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Адрес блога: http://kateclub.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2011-08-18 01:29:36

Are you a tea person or a coffee person?

2011-08-04 18:39:02 (читать в оригинале)

I think it’s a classic one. 1. Are you a tea person or a coffee person? 2. Are you a morning person or a night person? 3.Are you a dog person or a cat person? 4. Are you a laptop person or an i-pad person? 5. Are you a schedule-person or a free-flow-person? 6.Are you a bittter [...]

Консультационный центр для народа

2011-08-03 17:15:01 (читать в оригинале)

Это что-то новенькое. Такого еще не было. Но это – нужно. Курсы склонны рекламировать себя, и это правильно (объяснимо). Вот только что там на самом деле, а главное – подойдет ли это именно мне? Форумы полны горячих обсуждений курсов, часто – нелицеприятных выпадов и критики. Почитав форумы, вообще ни на какие курсы идти не хочется. [...]

Speaking Club # 3: The Melting Pot (nationalities and their typical traits)

2011-03-29 00:48:46 (читать в оригинале)

The third club was inspired by this  hilarious video about Russians one of my friends shared on Facebook. I thought it would be interesting to discuss the cartoon, and the Russian character, as well as the features of other nationalities, the melting pot concept and the cultural diversity issues. This time we had 4  newcomers – [...]

Getting to know you – the Alter Ego game

2011-03-26 00:32:24 (читать в оригинале)

We sat in a circle, and got one clubbber to ask a question to another person in the group.  The trick was that this question had to be answered by his friend – NOT himself! Eg, Lena and Stanislav were friends, but they were new to the club.  Irene asked Lena, eg., what she does [...]

Wind Of Change – Scorpions

2011-03-26 00:19:46 (читать в оригинале)

Lyrics: I follow the Moskva Down to Gorky Park Listening to the wind of change An August summer night Soldiers passing by Listening to the wind of change The world closing in Did you ever think That we could be so close,like brothers The future’s in the air I can feel it everywhere Blowing with [...]

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