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Your favorite blogs from 2016

2016-12-06 16:46:53 (читать в оригинале)

2016 has been quite the year and whether you’re looking back with wondrous appreciation or counting down the days until 2017 can come to the rescue, it’s the season for reflection and appreciation. …And chocolate and cake and wine and all the other really important things. Here are some of the Opera stories you like...

More than 50% of top shopping apps collect users’ personal information through trackers

2016-11-01 12:18:14 (читать в оригинале)

More than half of the top 60 Android shopping apps collect users’ personal information through trackers, a new study finds. The result is from a privacy risk assessment on Opera Max, a leading data management and data savings app for Android. The 60 most popular shopping apps were reviewed using privacy mode on this app. Another...

What does VPN mean and should you use one?

2016-10-18 14:21:48 (читать в оригинале)

VPN’s are more popular than ever. Have you jumped on the private network train yet? If not, here’s a quick summary of what a VPN actually means and why there’s all the buzz around it The internet can feel like a bit of a jungle (and not always a safe one) at the best of...

Block background data usage to extend your mobile data plan

2016-09-09 17:56:36 (читать в оригинале)

Are you wondering where your mobile data plan went? 😱 Chances are it wasn’t just your video data usage from YouTube or Netflix. In a study around app usage with Opera Max, we found that 30% of mobile data usage actually happens in the background. Fortunately, Opera Max, our free data-management app, has some clever solutions for...

Световая доска / светодиодная доска

2011-09-02 12:20:21 (читать в оригинале)

Световая доска (другие названия: светодиодная доска, LED доска, FLASH доска, светящаяся доска, sparkle board, неоновая доска) это новейший уникальный рекламный инструмент для Вашего бизнеса. ...

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