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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://apxap.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2011-10-25 09:51:49 блограйдером JohnGonzo

Handwritten Stories in a Digital Age: PostSecret.com and More

2013-11-26 21:00:41 (читать в оригинале)

In our digital age, we interact with new technologies each day, yet some of us also pine for the past: we cherish handwritten things and value — even fetishize — physical objects. Posts like “Diaries and Connections to the Past” and “Found Objects and Books” reveal a collective nostalgia. Consider a diary hidden …

Digging In the Dashboard, Part III: Features for Images

2013-11-25 20:00:57 (читать в оригинале)

So far in our series of lesser-known WordPress.com features, we’ve discussed handy editing tools and neat ways to split up longer posts. This time, let’s leave text behind and talk about three image presentation tools you might have missed. If you’ve been blogging at WordPress.com, you’ve likely figured out how to upload …

Refine Your Blog’s Voice with New Fonts

2013-11-08 02:00:30 (читать в оригинале)

Using the perfect font gives your blog personality — and just might be the design element that inspires you to find your own voice. We’ve added a bunch of terrific new fonts for users of our Custom Design upgrade from our partners at Typekit. Infuse some retro-future attitude in your headlines …

Drape Your Dashboard In Living Color

2013-11-07 00:01:26 (читать в оригинале)

When we launched a makeover of the dashboard, one of the features you requested the most was the ability to shake up its color scheme. Starting today, you can do just that. You can now choose between eight different color settings: To switch color schemes, go to your dashboard, then …

Import your My Opera blog into WordPress.com

2013-10-31 17:40:36 (читать в оригинале)

Unfortunately, My Opera blogs are shutting down. Fear not — you’ll be able to export your content into a new or existing WordPress.com site. First, you’ll download an export file from My Opera, and then, you’ll import that file into your WordPress.com blog. Here’s how to do it, step by …

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