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Блог Архара
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://apxap.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2011-10-25 09:51:49 блограйдером JohnGonzo

Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available

2012-08-10 01:37:54 (читать в оригинале)

Today is an exciting day! A new version of WordPress for iOS was just pushed live, and it’s been dubbed the “biggest update ever”. It features a completely re-imagined interface for both iPhone and iPad that takes mobile blogging to the next level. It’s most noticeable on the iPad: a sliding panels interface enables you [...]

Photo Blogging 101, Part 2

2012-05-21 17:00:30 (читать в оригинале)

Now that you’ve been snapping away, you’ll want to build your photographic following. WordPress.com has an excellent photo blogging community, which you can tap into by following these tips and tricks. Tags, topics, and phloggers, oh my! Tags work to connect your blog to the larger WordPress.com community, so you can see others who are [...]

Integrate Cool Applications with WordPress.com

2012-04-12 23:00:05 (читать в оригинале)

We are happy to announce our new REST Application Programming Interface (API) that lets developers explore, interact, and create great new content with the vast community of sites on the WordPress.com network and, in the near future, Jetpack-enabled sites. The API gives developers access to posts and comments, as well as the ability to Follow, Like, [...]

WordPresser Documents Her Mission to Overcome Agoraphobia

2012-02-28 01:58:12 (читать в оригинале)

For nearly thirty years, ArLynn Presser avoided leaving her neighborhood in Winnetka, Illinois, as she would experience debilitating anxiety and panic attacks when visiting public places and interacting with people outside her home. But once she turned fifty, the romance writer decided that she was tired of living in isolation, and ready to face her [...]

Join Our Censorship Protest!

2012-01-18 05:25:10 (читать в оригинале)

Have you been paying attention to all the hubbub online about the proposed U.S. legislation (SOPA/PIPA) that threatens internet freedom? I wrote about it last week over on WordPress.org, but the gist is this: there’s a bill in the U.S. Senate that if passed would put publishing freedom severely at risk, and could shut down entire sites at the [...]

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