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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/
Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto

Effective Demodex Intervention Combine Natural Treatment, Diet and Immunity Boost

2014-04-15 18:07:26 (читать в оригинале)

I would like to talk with you over the telephone to discuss my skin problem and decide on appropriate method of intervention. The demodex control items you send me work, but from what I have read, I want to tell you what other literature say about what needs to be added for effective demodex intervention. [...]

Demodex Shampoo Treatment for Scalp Mites

2014-04-09 19:28:18 (читать в оригинале)

Question: I have a question in relation to the use of the demodex shampoo. I have recently (innthe last week) started using it and I have noticed a difference, it feels like it is working, however it also feels like it is aggravating the demodex, as the biting and crawling sensations seems to be more [...]

Wrong Way to Kill Demodex Folliculorum and D.Brevis in Humans

2014-04-03 18:58:12 (читать в оригинале)

Hello Ladies and Gentleman of skinimprovements.com, first of I want to thank you for providing information and products about demodex. I basically have three questions. 1. I have a blepharitis caused by demodex. All the treatments I’ve read about consist of applying something (ointment, tea tree pil, etc. ) to the eyelashes. My question is: [...]

Looking for organization that conducts lab tests for demodex in Australia?

2014-03-23 19:28:27 (читать в оригинале)

Thank you for contacting us regarding demodex test. Being American based company, we can not direct you to a place in Australia where you can go and have yourself tested on the mites or any other skin parasites. We can tell you though, that it is a simple test which can be done in any [...]

Another question – answer about Demodex Treatment in Humans

2014-02-20 00:26:13 (читать в оригинале)

Which one should I use on my eyebrows, demodexin crema or eyes n mites? If you say the cream, please inform me as to why and why not the other way around or vice versa. How long should I use the products for a minimun? Can I also use the shampoo and conditioner on my [...]

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