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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Голосов: 1 Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/ Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto |
Demodex (Demodicosis) in humans and animals
2012-01-24 14:21:39 (читать в оригинале)
Demodex mites live on the skin of most people and animals. Feeding with the secretion of sebum produced by sebaceous glands , these tiny bugs lay low and deep in hair follicles cause no troubles. Your immune system controls the number of demodex mites, keeping the population low, so it won't cause any harm to your skin. For demodex, the face is the most affected part of human body, therefore, it is often called: skin or facial mites.
People with healthy immune system are not familiar and don't know about the facial mites. Most of us live life time without even noticing the presence of these parasites on our skin. Unfortunately, as we age so is our immune system. There are many reasons why your immune system weakens: prolonged use of antibiotics, recovering from long illness, aging, bad diet, use of bad cosmetics. Every case of immune suppression is different. But, we know for certain, if and when your immune system weakens, the demodex mites starts growing its population, leading to skin infection. Uncontrolled increase of
demodex mites on your skin is called demodicosis. The symptoms of the disease may resemble to acne and rosacea. These skin parasites are very small therefore you will need a test on demodex. Only test can show if you have the demodicosis.
If the results of the demodex test are positive and it found large number of mites on your skin then you need to begin immediate treatment. Keeping in mind that the mites are able to move (crawl) on the surface of the skin, especially in the evening and night hours, possibility of infestation of other parts of your body can not be eliminated. If you discovered first signs of the disease on the wings of your nose or chin, do not exclude the possibility that, over time, demodex mites can settle around the eyes, affecting the eyebrows (eyebrow mites) and eyelashes (eyelash mites). These facial mites can be found in the ear canals and on the scalp. These parts of human body identified as the high risk for demodicosis.
There are many ways how you can kill the mites, eliminate the infection and treat the disease. Antibiotics, over the counter products, home made remedies are available. So how do you treat demodicosis and eradicate the mites from your skin? Even though antibiotics are know as efficient anti bacterial and common sense tells you to use it, there are few reasons why, you should say "No" to antibiotics. First, you need to remember that demodicosis is not only skin infection even though it may look like acne or rosacea. Demodex mites are living creatures, it hides deep in hair follicles and in sebaceous glands. Antibiotics are targeting bacterial infections caused by demodex and not the mites itself. Even if antibiotic succeed in illuminating the infection, it won't kill the skin mites. The second reason why you should say "No" to antibiotics as anti demodex treatment is the time frame. You see, antibiotics can not be used for long time. Three to four weeks is the most. After that, it will start to weaken your immune system and if you use antibiotics longer, it will start inflicting internal problems, causing troubles to your stomach, liver and kidney.
It takes time to treat demodicosis and put the demodex mites back under control. This is why you need to use natural anti demodex products. In contrary to antibiotics, the organic, natural or green products are safe, it has very little or no side effects, it boost the immune system, anti bacterial and most important it kills the demodex mites.
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Demodex mange treatment
2011-11-19 12:50:16 (читать в оригинале)
How to treat dog mange is one of the questions, us, dog owners have to face when our
pets show first signs and symptoms of demodex mites. In order to find best answer and to choose proper anti mange medication, you need to know the reason why and how your pet develops demodicosis.
One of the main reason for dog mange mites to cause this skin problem is suppressed immune system.
Just like us humans, dogs, cats and other pets can be affected by demodectic mites at any time.
Weak immune system of your dog, caused by prolonged illness, ageing, use of harsh medication
help demodectic mange to increase population. These skin mites, always live on the
skin of your dog, feeding and breeding deep inside the hair follicles. Healthy dogs show no
signs of demodex mange. It is impossible to see the demodectic mites without a microscope.
Visual signs and symptoms of demodictic mange in dogs may resemble to other skin disorders.
Therefore, your first step is visit to your veterinarian for a demodex mange skin test.
There are several treatment options for mange available. Some of the anti demodex medications consist
of harsh chemicals, steroids which can weaken your dogs immune system. If you choose this path, keep
in mind that suppressed immune system allow demodex mites to breed and expand its colonies.
Antibiotics are good but as temporary measure and should be used in order to eradicate and prevent
the skin infection caused by mange mites from spreading to other areas of dogs body.
Natural anti mange remedies may take longer to show the signs of improvement but
it can be used as long as necessary because most of the natural demodex treatments have no
side effects. If you choose natural demodex medication, you can read more about natural Dogs n Mites
anti mange shampoo in here. It was specifically formulated to help dogs to control and get rid of
demodectic mange mites. The shampoo helps to eliminate symptoms of dog's mange, it prevents the
mites from breeding. The vitamins and minerals in Digs n Mites shampoo help to restore the immune
system of your dog.
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Demodex treatment with tea tree oil how to use tea tree oil on demodex
2011-11-11 13:52:50 (читать в оригинале)
Any word on tea tree oil used for demodex? i was reading lately that tea tree oil can be very effective way to treat demodex mites on humans as well as on pets. I just finish using ivermectin and was very displeased with the results of almost three month of treatmets. I think the problem with products like ivermectin is that chemical substances show the signs of improvement but after a wile demodex mites take over and such products don't help any more with demodex.
So, my question is - do i get my owm tea tree oil, find a way how to apply it so demodex will be eliminated or i should look for ant demodex products with tea tree oil in it and treat demicosis this way?
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Cortizone for acne
2011-11-08 22:00:07 (читать в оригинале)
Did anyone tried Cortizone 10 for acne? i had found some information on side effects this product has and wanted to know if whoever tried cortizone had side effects or not?
I have lots of zits on my forehead and just don't want to take my chances and use something that can make it even worse. Bad enough ive tried just few weeks ago "new and improved" Proactive and it gave me so much problems. My skin is still red after ive used Proactive for only a week.
So, if anyone used Cortizone 10 for acne, please share your thoughts and let me know if it did help in any way to cleap up your skin from acne.
Tue, 08 Nov 2011 18:58:18 GMT
тема: Severe acne help
I am not sure about the Cortizone, but i ve used AcneZap drying lotion for my severe acne, it helps a lot to stop the inflammation and i would recommend it if you have sever acne.
As far as cortizone 10 i would not be surpriced if it has side effects and not realy safe to use.
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Cream demodexin and cream Rosacea how to use it along with sunscreen cream while treating human demodex mites
2011-10-25 12:26:06 (читать в оригинале)
Hi. I just purchased Demodexin Cream because I have Demodex mites that have caused rosacea, acne, etc. I then noticed that the Ovante Rosacea Cream is very similar, did I buy the right one?
I received Demodexin and have tested it for the first time on my chin, per your recommendation. As far as regular use, once I do a few more testing, can i wear an SPF over this cream? It seems 2-3x/day is the recommendation so my guess would be i should go with out SPF? I currently wear a very natural version of spf (i hope the demodex don't enjoy it:) ) But speaking of sunscreen, how can i get samples of Ovante SPF 15 and 35; i noticed the latter has zinc as an active sunscreen ingredient, but what does the 15 have? I also noticed it is unavailable.
Tue, 25 Oct 2011 08:28:48 GMT
тема: How to use sunscreen while treating rosacea and demodex
Demodex and Rosacea creams are two different products. If you have
rosacea symptoms caused by demodex mites you may need to use the
rosacea cream together with anti demodex cream Demodexin. You should
try to stay away from sunscreens while treating demodex. After the
mites get under control (if you need to use the sunscreen for rosacea)
you can start using it. As far as Sun screen samples - if you plan to
order any of our products in the future just mention that you would
like to have a Sunscreen sample and we will mail it to you along with
your order.
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:15:33 GMT
тема: Demodex and Rosacea natural treatments without aloe
I saw the ingredients listed for both the rosacea and anti-demodex cream but what to verify that these products do not contain any type or form of aloe vera. I have a very intense reaction to aloe in any form and in any application, ie oral or dermal so I wanted to make sure the products I was interested in did not contain aloe.
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:32:21 GMT
тема: How to use cream Demodexin and sonscreen SP-30
Thank you. Few more questions:
1) When you say "small amt" of demodexin - is that a dime size for whole face?
2) The cream feels very moisturizing, if after treatment I enjoy it can I use as regular moisturizer?
3) I am treating rosacea rigt now with supplements eg sea buckthorn and diet eg no sugar, yeast, dairy (torture)
4) I actually hate wearing spf, did find one working great for me - it is 100% pure - but I am worried the demodex will like ingredients like pomegranite oil. Also it is a low spf so I would like to try your spf 35 but it is out of stock? Also is your spf anti-demodex for prevention?
Sorry for all of the questions. PS I put demodexin on chin today as trial. Got a tad red but by end of day I saw the demodex literally coming out. Not a lot but I see what you mean by excretions. Will spot treat initially in case I turn red all over face.
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:45:56 GMT
тема: ovante
1. Apply cream demodexin very sparingly. More is not better with this
product. Last application of the day need to be done as late at night
as possible (the mites are more active at night). Every one has
different skin type so you will determine how much of demodexin you
need per application. If your skin turnes red - you applied too much.
2. Demodexin can be used as regular moisturizer, in fact some people,
after starting to use the Demodexin, stop using regular moisturizer.
3. It is possible that demodex mites can start using some of the
ingredients in your Sunscreen as food. We have SPF 35, we can mail the
sample to you if you decide you need one but we can't mail it just by
itself. If you decide to order any of our products, we will include
the sample of our Suscreen in it. It has some anti demodex ingredients
in it as well.
Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:32:39 GMT
тема: Still fiting demodex and rosacea
I am extremely sensitive and have the cream on today at work - barely any - and skin is stinging and red. This is also one of my main symptom of demodex so maybe it is going to react like this? It does not feel great. I hae not had a rosacea incident like this since June. It cold also be a sulfur/salycilic scrub I am using, too much at once when my regular routine was honey and yogurt cleansing
Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:38:25 GMT
тема: Ovante
stinging is possible (demodexin has need oil), it will subside but redness - it is most likely the sulfur you are using, the sulfur can give you such reaction if you have sensitive skin)
Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:38:54 GMT
тема: using anti demodex cream demodexin, Is flaky dry skin normal
Oddly - most of my reactions happen at the office. I did the same routine today as yesterday but today I worked from home. Although my face still redder than normal, it does not burn. Maybe there is formaldehyde at office but I would think if yes than that would surely kill the mites in its own:). So my question - with the cream, in addition to rash, where I saw the rash from mos ago resurface was chin/mouth. Today the rash is dried up but a lot of flaking skin. Is flaky/dry skin normal? I am using a minimal amount of the cream. Is there anyway I can put a tea tree cream over the demodexin during the day at least? And at night I will go bare with just demodexin? Or will that ruin potency? And is layering during day better than alternative of only wearing demodexin at night?
Thu, 27 Oct 2011 11:40:07 GMT
тема: Demodex mites on my scalp and around eyes
i ve been using your Shampoo D'modex for three weeks now and it helped a lot to stop the scalp itching and i don't feel any other symptoms i used to have but i started noticing that the skin around my eyes itches just the way it sterted whem i first noticed demodex on my scalp. I have question now:
Shoudl i continue using your demodex shampoo eventhough there is no symptoms for a while already or should i just go back to my regular shampoo!
What can i use to treat demodex (if it is demodex i have) around my eyes. can i apply cream Demodexin or should i use the eyes n mites lotion you guys have?
wonder how to use demodexin, what to use, to get all the lit
Mon, 31 Oct 2011 09:39:20 GMT
тема: human demodicosis on scalp and demodex mange
If you have demodex mites just on the scalp, the regular use of anti
demodex shampoo is what you need. I don't know how severe your demodex
is but if you experience the hair loss then you need to start using
medicated anti demodex shampoo D'modex. You should have 4 bottles of
it to start so you have enough supply in case of reordering more so
you won't run out of it. You will need to use it once a day - very
late in the evening hours (when demodex is most active). Some people
use the shampoo twice a day: evening and morning.
The treatment of demodex may take from one to three month depends on the severity
of demodicosis and other factors.
we would also suggest you to have a jar of cream Demodexin (even though
you don't have the demodex symptoms on the face). Every demodex
sufferer should have this cream and use it once a day (before bed) as
preventative measure so demodex mites won't migrate from the scalp on
to the face.
Mon, 31 Oct 2011 10:01:09 GMT
тема: skin redness and flaking after using anti demodex cream demo
If you have flaking skin after using the demodexin and if its not subsided after few days, then you have extremely sensitive skin and applying too much of the cream, try to start from one time a day, apply demodexin at night and if after few days you don't feel or don't see any symptoms of demodex then one time a day application is all you need to keep the demodex mites under control. Some people use it once a day and it is enough, some need to use the cream 2 - 3 times a day.
in regard of using the tea tree cream, the demodexin has the tea tree oil in its ingredients, but if you have the need of using the tea tree cream, do so and see what happens, if this tea tree cream will not trigger the demodex break outs, use it.
at night, you need to have just demodexin until the symptoms of demodicosis are all gone. you need to bring the mites under control and the night time is the time when these skin bugs are most active so you need the demodexin.
best time to wear demodexin is at night.
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