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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Голосов: 1 Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/ Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto |
Demodexin products and their application, How to Use Demodexin
2012-10-26 12:09:43 (читать в оригинале)
Last night I first took the D-Cleanser and found it quite thick and wasn't sure how one was to clean the skin with it. I put some onto a damp cottonwool and wiped my face with it. It left some of the cleanser on the skin, so I removed some of this with wet cottonwool.
Is one supposed to rinse D-Cleanser off the skin after cleansing - how does one apply it correctly?
I then applied a thin coating of the Anti-Demodexin cream as indicated on the label.
Now comes the main question:
I wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses, am 70 years of age, and have had endless peeling skin on the folds of my upper eyelids for a couple of years now. Over this time, sometimes the fold split a little and sometimes the skin area above the upper eyelid turned red but didn't swell too much. When it was bad (not very often), I used to clean with special and gentle eyelid cleanser from the chemist and applied MediHoney ointment to keep it under control. I used to think I might be slightly allergic to the contact lens liquid or lens material (but the optician has checked this) and didn't think our pug dog might be passing on mites as there was no sign of skin problems on him. On my face, there wasn't any other obvious sign of demodex mites with their telltale red spots and darkened veins - until a month or so ago after having major dental surgery (my immune system must have gone down then).
Some weeks after dental operation, the area above my left upper eyelid and over to the outer crease line became a bit inflamed and red and the fold became more prominently wrinkled and aged-looking. It looked like someone had punched my eye! Also the upper eyelids were becoming a bit scarred along the fold line and now a couple of eyelashes are gone and I see dry white sediment along the eyelashes in the mornings. After wiping the eyes carefully in the morning after sleep, find there is sometimes a tiny bit of yellow discharge in the corners, which could come from the MediHoney - but no serious discharge and can still wear contact lenses all day.
Then I read about demodex mites on your site and noticed I did have some more prominent red spots along the nasal fold lines to the outer mouth edges and at the nasal base, as well as a couple of other smaller aread like above the eyebrows which do itch. The skin cancer doctor also once told me once I had sebaceous skin warts when having a skin cancer check and my scalp is probably adding to the problem of the eyes too. I have hesitated going to the dermatologist here as have not yet found any who are specialised in demodex problems and don't want strong antibiotics and chemical treatments (unless absolutely necessary).
So the worst area for me is the upper eyelid area. I ordered your Eyes and Mites and last night carefully applied a thin coating over this area. I know it is mentioned somewhere on the site that the skin can become more irritated at first. Well - it did become more inflamed and redder!
Please kindly advise further on how I can best manage the eye area. How often does one use the Eyes and Mites cream on the eyelids and does one use the D-Cleanser in the area first and does one gently wipe the D-Cleanser off with wet cottonwool before applying the Eyes and Mites? I noticed after ordering that there is also a new Blepharitis ointment - is this similar to Eyes and Mites, should I have ordered this instead?
Eyes n Mites and Demodexin Review and instuctions on how to use these anti demodex products
Demodexin has the buckthorn seed oil in it. Therefore, at this point
you should stay with just the daily use of the cream, 3 - 4 times a
day. Do not use any other cosmetic products, oils ( tea tree, bucktorn
etc.) while using demodexin. Make sure not to apply demodexin on to
your eye area, this product is for facial skin only. Wash your hands
after the application.
The Eyes n Mites lotion can be used on your eyelashes, eyebrows and
eyelids (very light application - one, very small drop of the Eye n
Mites lotion is all you need for one eye area). After you applied the
Eyes n Mites lotion, burning sencation is normal for first 2 - 3 days.
It can last from few seconds to a minute. Do nor rub, scratch or try
to wash the lotion off the eye area. The burning sensation is very
mild and it subsides on its own.
The D Cleanser is a anti demodex facial wash. You need to take a few
drops of this product and apply it on to you face in circular motion
until foam (wet facial skin with water first). Then, wash your face
with water until all the foam is gone, pat the facial skin dry with
clean cloth (do not rub the skin). When facial skin is cleaned
(washed) with DCleanser - start the anti demodex treatment: first the
eye area with the Eyes n Mites lotion then facial skin with cream
Always, wash your hands before and after the application of demodexin.
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Demodex in humans. How mites affect human skin, what does demodex eat and how long the mites live
2012-10-19 21:28:24 (читать в оригинале)
Follicle Demodex mites (Demodikose), bed bugs and fleas are the worlds most common ectoparasites and cause infections of the outer skin layer. Follicle mites (Demodex folliculorum) or sebaceous glands mites (Demodex brevis) colonize the skin of humans.
About 95 percent of healthy people have a few Demodex mites on them. But they are not in need of a Cure for Demodex. The average Demodex mite is only about 0.25 to 0.4 mm long. You will find them on your face, skin and hair follicles, but they are basically harmless in smaller numbers. Transmission occurs from person to person. The infection begins in infants with the first parent-child contact. With increasing age, the density of mites per follicle increases. You will only need a Cure for Demodex mites when you have an over population of mites in or on your skin.
Most mites are harmless, but they can cause an inflammatory disease in the sebaceous glands, usually on the face, called (demodicosis). A severe infestation of the follicle is often seen in people with seborrheic skin type.
A Cure for Demodex mites is needed when there are highly infested areas, resulting in infection of the skin follicles, along with follicular bound papules or papulopustules. The skin may also be scaly and itchy sometimes too.
For topical and systemic therapy, there are effective drugs available. Metronidazole can be applied locally and systemically. An alternative is oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily). There is also a lot of success with the insecticide such as permethrin 5 percent cream is used.
If you are resistant to traditional medicine or it is not working very well, then you can try other treatments. Some people use Tea Tree Oil to help kill off the mites. The mites are not affected by exposure to the oil its self, but die off when they eat the oil. The Demodex mite is a dead skin eater. It however will eat live skin when it starts to burrow down and lay its eggs. If whilst the mite is eating, it eats the oil, then it dies. This means that even if you are simply prone to skin trouble through mites, then you can use products such as Tea Tree Oil soap, to help stop the mite re-grouping. You can also use Tea Tree oil (diluted) as an oil to leave on your skin if you have a particularly bad area.
There are also products that have sulfur in them. It is in small enough doses so that it will not burn your skin, but is still strong enough to kill off any skin parasites. The only trouble with sulfur products is that you cannot use them very often. They make your skin very dry, and the mites eat dead skin. This means that the ones that do survive, or return off of your beds pillow will have plenty to eat. This means you have to manage your skin very well after you have used a sulphur product. Before you attempt any Cure for Demodex mites, you should consult a doctor, to be sure that you are actually infected with mites, and that is it not something more serious.
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Does exercise help acne
2012-10-04 01:21:15 (читать в оригинале)
NO, exercise does not. It is ACNE’s Worst Enemy.
Immune system
Regular exercise increases a persons immune system. It makes it stronger and more reactive. A strong immune system is great for fighting off any sort of infectious agent which wants to make a monkey of your pores and skin. If you have a strong immune system then the spots will disappear faster, and may not even sprout at all. A healthy immune system is able to make the skin a less hospitable place for acne. This means that acne attacks will not stick around for as long.
Sweat has a great way of flushing all of the muck and crap out of your skin. Sweat has far more powerful glands than that of your oil glands. An oil gland may have trouble with a blockage, but a sweat glands will just push right through. Also, because it is water, it will move the bacteria and dirt away from the affected pores. It is also loaded with your bodies antibodies and salts, which have a score to settle with the bacteria on your skin. Your sweat also comes out sterile (just like your urine and tears).
Your sweat holds lots of salt. It is your bodies way of reducing the evaporation time of your sweat. If your sweat has salt in it, it will evaporate the salt faster and lower your body temperature faster. This salt is great at breaking down the plugs in your pores and is despised by skin parasites and bacteria. Sweat on your skin creates quite a few homeless parasites and bacteria.
Open pores
When you exercise you get hot. As your skin gets hot, the pores open so as to let more heat out faster. This opening is a great way for your sweat and oil glands to flush out your pores. This is why saunas are good for your skin too.
Better circulation
If you exercise regularly you will get better circulation. Your better circulation will improve your health in general. It will also help your immune system respond quicker and with more force. It will also help to remove the puss from your acne a lot faster. Good circulation also helps your skin stay more flexible and healthy, so that your are less likely to have acne.
Lymphatic system
Your lymphatic system is a bit network of see through veins in your body which carry lymph. This is a clear fluid which tries to filter out germs by getting them caught in its tubes and directed to lymph nodes which act like prisons for germs. The lymphatic system is not pumped around however, it only moves when you move, hence exercise helps get your juices pumping (literally).
A Shower
Once your exercise has flushed all of the germs and nasties onto your skin, you are forced to take a shower because you are dirty. This shower is a great way of waving goodbye to your acne causing dirt and germs.
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How Demodex Mites Affect Human Scalp and Hair.
2012-10-01 19:27:48 (читать в оригинале)
Studies of the Society for the Advancement of Education proved that 96 percent to 98 percent of people have mites in their hair. Mites function as parasites feeding from their hosts that are usually microscopic bugs that grow from human oils, hormones and fluids from the hair follicle. Surprisingly, 25 eggs can be nurtured in a single hair follicle by a single mite. Though having hair mites was disregarded by many, since it was considered an epidemic, it would indeed make the host very uncomfortable and uneasy having these.
Most common mites living in the human scalp is the Demodex mite. They build their nests in the fatty sacs beneath the skin where hair follicle comes out. Normally, some are unaware that they have mites or would be unaffected if they do know. Their mouth feature is used to bite off and scrape and consume the skin around the hair follicle. Sadly at night, it buries itself further down the scalp of the person.
Since most people are unlikely to notice the presence of these bugs, most of them have probably been already accustomed to the itch. What’s even worst is that they may contribute to black heads and acne. What the Demodex mites do is they bring ill effects to humans but not directly affecting them.
Although some may have disregarded it, it doesn’t remove the fact that it would indeed make the host very uncomfortable and unnerving to be swarmed with parasitic mites like these. Hence, people will really find ways on how to eradicate these bugs. Skin exfoliation and regular bathing may help remove and scrape this creatures but medical treatment is always sought, especially with people who have weak immune system or immune-deficiency syndromes.
A visit to the dermatologist and seek for medical advice as to what exact medication should be treated with the specie of mite is recommended. The treatment is continuously done t home as well until total eradication of bugs is met. It is also recommended to avoid using of makeup products while under treatment.
While the person infected is undergoing treatment, it is always best to check with the partner and other members of the household if they, too, have hair mites. Hair mites can easily jump and fly from one host to another and treatment should be done to all those involved.
Above all else, hygiene is considered to be the top most priority when dealing with mites. They would love to thrive in dirty, oily scalp and multiply faster in scaly hair. With poor hygiene, hair mites easily spread and get nurtured. It shouldn’t get to the point where the mites are already causing serious skin diseases such as acne or Rosacea – skin disease symptom which makes the face turn red and cause swelling with skin sores that is similar to acne. Proper hygiene and skin exfoliation will decrease the chances of acquiring hair mites.
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What is Blepharitis. How to treat Blepharitis
2012-09-23 01:36:49 (читать в оригинале)
Blepharitis is an eyelid inflammation condition that is very common. While it may occur on its own, it is sometimes linked to other conditions like acne or dry eyes. In any case, the condition can take two forms; Anterior blepharitis, where it effects the outer part of the eyelid Posterior blepharitis where it effects the inner lid, causing problems with the glands that are responsible for keeping the eye lubricated. Both the types may also occur simultaneously.
Another type is Seborrheic blepharitis that is a result of a skin condition that is responsible for scaling (dandruff). It may also be due to bacteria and fungi, or happen as a result of a weak immune system. Staphylococcal blepharitis is yet another type and can be commonly induced due to bacteria and can have serious effects. It may also be caused by various kinds of viruses. While it causes irritation and redness, the severity of the condition may also cause you to lose your eyelashes. Other infections, like pink eye infection, also tend to occur with blepharitis. If not treated immediately, long-terms effects can include serious conditions like thickened lid margins and ectropion. You may also experience dilated capillaries and trichiasis.
Since it is a common condition, it is often diagnosis by doctors. However, since blepharitis can cause serious burning, dryness, itching and, thus, redness of the eye, it can be rather difficult to find a permanent cure for it. The common treatment suggested by doctors usually includes a schedule of keeping your eye sanitized and trusting the body to make the inflammation go away. Usual scrubs or cleansing products may be recommended to achieve this. Since there is no specific cure, keeping your eyes clean is the key to fading the infection. If the severity is high, however, you may need to take oral medication along with natural cleaning products.
Also, since cleaning is not effectively possible with posterior blepharitis, since it is on the inner side of the eyelid, doctors recommend the intake of proper nutrition. This may include fatty acids like flaxseed oil, which help keeping the eye glands healthy and thus reducing inflammation. Antibiotics may also be suggested by your doctor. These may include oral medication as well as ointments for the eyelid, in case of an external, or anterior, infection.
If you are suffering from Blepharitis, gentle cleansing solutions are what can provide relief. You must also make sure that you avoid detergent or chemical shampoos and other products, thus making sure nothing aggravates the inflammation.
There are many natural treatments the help a person with Blepharitis, but the best ones so far have proven to be neem oil and tea tree oil. They kill the demodex mites which are responsible for the Blepharitis condition, but do it in a more passive way. For example, neem oil affects their reproduction, where as tea tree oil is toxic if the mites eat it.
There is always some form of research being carried out into natural remedies. The most current natural remedy is called Blepharitin. The most recent tests have proved very promising and the all natural eye lotion causes no irritation to the eye. The biggest problem that most eye lotions face is that they have to be mild enough to not harm the eye, but strong enough to kill the mite. Blepharitin seems to have done that.
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