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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/
Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto

Facial Mask For Treatment of Demodex Folliculorum. Stop Demodex Natural Mask for People With Severe Demodicosis

2012-09-17 21:27:49 (читать в оригинале)

Clarifying anti demodex mask "STOP DEMODEX" boosts the demodex-fighting power of your anti demodex daily regimen. It helps to exfoliate demodex out of the skin pores and destroys the mites. Neem Oil, Lemon Grass and Sulfur are proven anti demodex agents, Vitamin C, copper, zinc and meadowsweet help minimize the appearance of enlarged pores while refining skin tone and texture. Collodial Sulfur loosens pores, blockage, and calms oil gland activity while antibacterial agents fight inflammation and redness caused by demodex. Kaolin and Bentonite, purify and


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Demodex and Blepharitis on EyeLids

2012-08-03 22:25:13 (читать в оригинале)

I have a problem with eye lids and face skin. I was diagnosed with demodexosis in Europe. Besides I have blepharitis and chalazions. Could you give me some advise.

Fri, 03 Aug 2012 18:28:54 GMT
тема: Daily regimen for Eyelids affected by Demodex mites

1. if demodex mites were found ONLY on the eyelids and you were
diagnosed with demodicosis, you need to start using the Eyes n Mites
lotion, NO chemicals/antibiotics/steroids - starting from once a day
(before bed), gradually increasing the application to 2 - 3 times a

2. if you use cosmetics - mascara etc. ( you need to stop)

3. washing face daily with the D Cleanser (no soaps)

4. To prevent the mites from spreading on to facial skin, you need to
use cream Demodexin ( once a day - before bed)


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DEMODEXIN Testimonial

2012-08-02 22:28:34 (читать в оригинале)

I just wonted to tell you how glad I am that I found your site and your products.

After going to a skin dr. for over 3 years (this started in 2007 after a bad staff infection on my face) and nothing he gave me cleared up my skin, but he did finally discover I had demodex mites and the products he gave me nothing worked. It was so bad I did not want to go anywhere or let anyone see me. Being so upset I started searching on line and found your products and ordered and now my skin is so improved and my stress of nothing working is gone because now I have found products that work .

My face looks better than it has in years. The results happened in just weeks. Also buying your products was a lot less money spent than what I spend on Dr. visits and products he prescribed.

Thank you from the boddom of my heart.

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Demodex or Rosacea Question

2012-07-11 11:16:17 (читать в оригинале)

For 47 days now I have developed a horrible skin condition. It occured after using my husbands razor on my face (whole face) and part way down my neck. (just to remove fuzzies). I also then used sunless tanner and walked outside in hot weather. The next morning my nose area was congested so I used some retin a on my nose and lightly on my face.

I am 51, still producing oily skin, at least when this occured. I only used the retin a for two days. Then all hell broke loose. I have had inflamed, red, itchy, burning skin off. Also have a very wierd sandy like grit that comes out of every pore. They are white, hard and truly feel like grit. I've seen 3 doctors for this. One put me on metrogel which seems to make no real difference. (a little maybe). I was put on a prednisone 5 day pack which did knock down the inflamation and burning but it returned shortly after. I've tried coconut oil, emu oil, sea buckthorn oil all with little results except they felt good.

I am getting seriously worried that no one is figuring this out. I currently have a patch test on my back administered by the 3rd doctor. They are checking for allergens. I have stopped using all make-up and washing with vanicream soap. That's it. I will get results on the patch test friday. After asking them their opinion on demodex mites, they felt it was undocumented research.

I have placed an order for several of your products under the rosacea line/demodex line. I am praying that you guys are the solution. Any thoughts or words of encourgagement would be greatly appreciated. I used to have beautiful skin that people often commented on. It is truly awful now and I am not understanding what to do to get it back. Please comment and direct me and do you think this could be a demodex issue?

Wed, 11 Jul 2012 07:19:45 GMT

тема: How to Use Cream Demodexin and anti Demodex Facial Mask

Demodex mites are easily detected by a simple test which can be
performed in any doctor's office. All they need is a microscope. You
could also notice few things on your own which could indicate that you
have demodex: 1. Increased itching and crawling sensation on your
facial skin at night (the mites are active at night) 2. Demodex
usualy "settles" on facial skin only (face, scalp, eyelashes,

When you start using our products, please do not apply too much of it
and more than 3 times a day. The Facial mask you can apply 3 - 4 times
a WEEK, before bed only. Cream Demodexin - start from two times a day,
gradualy increasing to three times a day. Do not mix Anti demodex
products with Rosacea products that you ve ordered. If you have the
mites, use only anti demodex products (the mask, cream demodexin and
Dcleanser). Do not use any cosmetics, moisturizers etc.

If after 3 - 4 days your skin gets very dry - you applying too much of
Demodex cream. Start applying less.


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Demodectic rosacea: symptoms of demodectic rosacea

2012-06-29 13:31:37 (читать в оригинале)

I have rosacea, large pores, dry clogged and congested skin and I cannot find a cleanser that is gentle enough on my rosacea but also breaks thru the layer of dead skin build up I experience on a daily basis. I wear very little makeup, just a touch of concealer on some red blemishes and dont want to double cleanse as it irritates my skin.
I feel in some way its demodex infestation but havent had that determined by a derm yet but something is going on that every night I have to go around my entire face and pull dead hardened sebum out of every pore. What cleanser would you suggest and other products? Applying a cream to my congested chin area freaks me out because it clogs with everything Ive tried there. Oils are the worst by the way. Can you help me? My skin is a disgusting mess.

Fri, 29 Jun 2012 09:43:42 GMT
тема: ovante

You should start with the D Cleanser only as your face wash, if you
have demodex like symptoms, you need to address the issue to control
the mites. it could trigger or worsen rosacea: applying cream
Demodexin (starting once a day - before bed) will stop the mites from


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