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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
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Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/
Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto

Dry itchy patches on the skin, is it scabies or demodex?

2012-03-01 09:47:09 (читать в оригинале)

If you have dry patches on the skin which are very itchy, you may have scabies. The skin infection caused by skin mite called scabiei. This tiny parasite can cause skin itch. Scabies is contagious, it can be transmitted to other humans. If you notice Dry itchy patches on the skin, please, see your doctor right away.

What is scabies and how people get scabies? The the signs of scabies might look like to demodex (demodicosis) the skin problem triggered by demodex mites: red papules, skin break outs, irritation are quite identical to demodicosis. Going to your family physician and have your self screened for demodex mites is necessary once you notice the dermatitis like symptoms on the skin.

The visible difference between demodex and scabies could be the parts of the body which both of these skin mites focus on. If demodex generally appears on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and the head. The scabies tend to be more often on the armpits, the genital area, within the elbow or back of the knee. Generally if the skin itchiness caused by demodex mites elevates during the night and may stop during the day. The scabies itch is neverending.

Earliest the signs of scabies must alarm you. Since scabies signs and symptoms have allergic character, if left without treatment and medication, the scabies can couse more problems to your skin.

Fortunately, scabies can be cured. You can find various prescription and otc anti scabies medicines. While you are treating scabies and getting rid of the skin rash caused by the mites, you must know that some anti scabies prescribed products are very toxic. If used for long time, it can create more skin problems. Always ask your doctor about possible sude effects.

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Itching after scabies treatment

2012-02-24 20:43:35 (читать в оригинале)

There are different treatments for scabies available. Some topical creams are more effective, can kill the skin mites fast and leave no side effects. Other products can harm the skin and have side effects. Your doctor can tell which cream or lotion is good for you and how long can you use it. Depending on the severity of scabies, your doctor can prescribe oral medications as well.

Scabies cannot be treated overnight, it takes time and effort to get rid of these human skin bugs. Use of effective medication is a big plus along with daily anti scabies regimen. Even after the symptoms are gone you need to make sure, the post scabies skin has fully recovered from there parasites. It can take awhile for suppressed immune system of the skin to rehabilitate from scabies.

When the skin itches after scabies treatment is complete, you might need to start the rehabilitation process. If the scabies are gone, the antibiotics and hormones you've used for killing the mites could have affected the immune system of the skin. Suppressed immune system can lead to demodicosis, another skin problem caused by demodex mites. The symptoms of demodicosis is very similar to scabies.

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Kill demodex with Neem oil

2012-02-24 12:38:20 (читать в оригинале)

Most people live with demodex mites without even knowing about the existence of this skin bug. When, for different reasons, these tiny parasites start causing skin problems, the only way to get rid of the demodex is to kill the mites and rehabilitate the skins immune system. Killing the demodex mites and recover from demodicosis can be complicated.

Demodex are tiny mites that live deep inside the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles, it has a good digestive tract that enables to consume sebum oil. The skin bug can remain on the surface, travel about and go back into the hair follicle. It cannot stand the sunlight and travels at night. All these and other factors, along with topical medications unable to penetrate skin barrier deep enough to kill demodex mites, make the treatment complicated.

You should always ask your doctor about the medication he prescribed for killing the demodex. Many topical and oral drugs are antibiotics and steroids, only doctor can tell how long you can use them. Steroids and antibiotics are harsh for your skin if used for long time, it can suppress the immune system and have other side effects. Products with sulfur are very drying, instead of killing the demodex mites it can dry the skin and trigger extra production of sebum oil, that will feed the mites.

Neem oil is one of the alternative/natural ways to kill demodex mites. It can penetrate the skin deep enough and destroy the mites. It is safe to use and there are many topical, anti demodex products with neem oil that can help to kill demodex mites.

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Lyndane cream for scabies. Shampoo Lyndane side effects, natural alternative to Lyndane scabies treatment

2012-02-23 13:32:34 (читать в оригинале)

Scabies are contagious. You need to speak with family doctor right away if you have scabies symptoms. Only doctor can advice right medicine that can help to kill scabies mites and treat the allergic skin reaction caused by scabies mites. There are different anti scabies medications available. Some are more effective than others, some could have sever side effects if used unproperly, others don't.

The Lindane is well known name among anti scabies treatments. It is often prescribed to people with mild and severe scabies. If you pregnant or your child is infected with scabies you need to be aware of extremely harsh side effects of the Lindane. Ask your doctor about it if he advices the Lindane as anti scabies treatment.

Lindane can be used to kill lice as well as scabies, however it could cause really serious problems. Safer medicines are available to eliminate these types of skin conditions. Make sure that you only use lindane when there's specific reason why you cannot use the alternative medicines or if perhaps you have used the other scabies products and they did not help to kill the skin bugs.

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Ivermectin scabies treatment, dosage and possible side effects from Ivermectin

2012-02-22 12:30:36 (читать в оригинале)

If you were diagnosed with scabies, your doctor can prescribe the Ivermectin, anti scabies medication which can be admistered in topical or oral forms. You can find reviews from people who used Ivermectin to give you an idea as to what to expect.

In general, Ivermectin is used to treat different types of human worms as well as scabies. Even though this medication is safe and c considered to be effective in treating scabies you must be aware of side effects and follow the prescribed daily dosage. We have listed possible Ivermectin side effects so you can be aware of it.

These are the most common side effects: Diarrhea, headache, muscle pain, dizziness, nausea. You can experience joint pain, tender/swollen lymph nodes, eye swelling/redness/pain, weakness, vision changes, itching and fever. The allergic skin reaction to dying scabies may occur as well. You need to contact your doctor right away if you notice any of the above side effects while using the Ivermectin.

Wed, 22 Feb 2012 12:01:00 GMT
тема: Ivermectin treating scabies and side effects

these are usual side effects of almost any drug but i have to agree if use it for too long, this stuff can harm your health. i ve had scabies for almost a year and it took me a while untill the bugs were gone. main thing is not to use chemical products, it just not going to kill scabies.


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