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Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Blog Ovante Cosmetics
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://skinimprovements.com/blog/
Добавлен: 2011-11-03 15:35:47 блограйдером autoavto

How to Kill Scabies. What Kills Scabies

2012-04-01 13:45:08 (читать в оригинале)

Considering that scabies is contagious and easily transmittable disease, killing this type of human skin parasites can be complicated. If you were diagnosed with scabies the first questions you ask is: How to kill Scabies? What Kills Scabies?

Scabies can be killed with chemical or natural products. If you concerned about possible side effects of chemicals, you can go natural. Green or natural anti scabies products (cream, lotion, shampoo) can kill scabies as fast as chemicals but with less or no side effects. Will tea tree oil and sulfur kill scabies? and what about neem oil. Does neem oil kill scabies? The answer is: yes. These naturally derived extracts and minerals can kill scabies mites. Your doctor can advice which of the products can kill scabies and help to rehabilitate the post scabies skin.

Cream for scabies with chemicals or steroids can be prescribed as well as other medications. Scabies is contagious, it can spread to other members of your household, therefore, you should always consult with family doctor before starting the treatment process. Most popular - prescribed medications are Permethrin, Lindane. In severe form of scabies, you doctor may prescribe Ivermectin, this drug kills scabies from inside. Oral antihistamines or steroid cream can kill scabies and give you immediate relieve from skin itching and irritation caused by scabies.

You must keep in mind that antibiotics, cream with steroids should not be used for long time. If applied longer, these products suppress the immune system of your skin. Ask your doctor about length of treatment and how you do you kill scabies without side effects.

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