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Coaching Across Borders
Coaching Across Borders
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://www.coaching-ab.com
Добавлен: 2011-11-09 01:51:37

It’s There Already — an Inspiration Booster

2011-11-05 15:45:43 (читать в оригинале)

What if your dream feels out of reach? Sometimes it’s hard to feel inspired because one’s dream seems just so far away. One starts doubting. Will I ever get there? Visualizing that dream then is no longer enough. What can you do when your dream seems too far? Out of reach? You can make sure
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Multiply Your Options — a Creativity Booster

2011-10-23 14:03:45 (читать в оригинале)

Creativity is not reserved to a few Creativity is often perceived as something reserved to certain people – artists, researchers… who seem to be creative “by nature”, while most of us can at best admire their creations and wonder how it all happened. Creativity, however, can also be about very simple steps one inserts in
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Please Take a Seat — A Cross-cultural Booster

2011-10-12 16:08:49 (читать в оригинале)

One of the key differences across cultures lies in how people relate to power. In some cultures, power tends to be concentrated in the hands of some key individuals. “Power distribution is extremely visible in the way people use space.” They’re called hierarchical cultures. In others, power is more equally distributed among people and we
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Sur un air de flûte — A Work Story

2011-10-05 07:17:09 (читать в оригинале)

Does your work week feel like a long list of exhausting tasks? As I was filing some old musical scores the other day, I got intrigued and reviewed some pages, remembering with pleasure how I loved to play certain pieces or on the contrary struggled with some technically challenging parts. I looked, turned pages and
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Getting Ready to Leave — A Management Story

2011-09-28 07:19:36 (читать в оригинале)

Sirens, bells and alarms just work! Have you had the chance to observe a one-year-old recently ? Or maybe you remember that age when kids are just about to walk by themselves and they try all sorts of techniques to satisfy their thirst for mobility ? Crawling on their belly, jumping ahead from a sitting position, pulling
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