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Krill Oil
Krill Oil
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Адрес блога: http://neptune-krilloil.net
Добавлен: 2011-11-14 17:19:46

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms

2013-04-10 15:46:38 (читать в оригинале)

Vitamin B12 deficiency usually occurs for one of two reasons: insufficient intake of this vitamin with food or violation of the absorption of vitamin B12 due to the loss of so-called Castle’s intrinsic factor or lack of stomach acid. Other reasons, which occur more often, and detailed symptoms are listed in the article “Vitamin B12 [...]

All about cholesterol – Part II

2013-03-05 03:58:44 (читать в оригинале)

At the risk of cardio-vascular diseases affect not just a diet, but weight, blood pressure, smoking, family history, physical activity. No need to once again say that people with high blood pressure, family history of cardiovascular disease, should be required to follow the diet and reduce the amount of alcohol deliberately fat. By the way, [...]

All about Cholesterol

2013-03-04 17:36:40 (читать в оригинале)

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that is necessary for the life of the organism. Nervous system, the brain and all cells of the body needs cholesterol, it is also necessary for the synthesis of hormones and vitamin D. The body produces cholesterol itself, its intake through food is not true. The human body synthesizes about [...]

Vegetable juices benefits

2013-02-24 21:33:34 (читать в оригинале)

Vegetable juices are considered very useful and its properties are superior fruit juice, as it does not contain fructose (at least in large quantities). This article explains why the vegetable juices, be sure to include in your daily diet. 1. Fresh vegetable juices cleanse the body from toxins. 2. In freshly squeezed vegetable juices presence [...]

Benefits of soy

2013-02-24 06:28:10 (читать в оригинале)

Soy is a plant that belongs to the legume family and is the East Asian origin. Soy has a high percentage of oil content and protein. Soy make soybean oil, soy milk, tofu (tofu), soy sauce, miso (soybean paste) and temperature (type soybean cake). It is often added to soy cereals, meat and breads. Soy [...]

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